Friday, 23 March 2012

Thomas News Guy Channel Made And Edited

I am starting a Thomas And Friends news show for the Thomas And Friends fans. I am doing that because there is not much good recent Thomas And Friends news on the Internet in one place.

For those of you who like to watch videos, I think you will like these new news videos that I make.
I am going to make them by putting one of my Tomy engines by the camera like I did with my season 16 review videos.

I do not yet know when I am going to make my first new news video but it will hopefully be very soon.
I will not make news videos every day on You Tube. My news videos will be uploaded about every three days. That will make the videos longer and there will also be more news in the video that way.

After my poll on the side of the blog is finished in four days there will be a new poll asking you witch engine you would like to see in the news videos. I think having different engines in the videos is nice because just having Thomas in the videos will get a little boring. Look out for my new poll in about four days.

Thanks for reading this post and for sporting me on the Internet. My blog has been getting a lot of attention lately so I thought is was time for something new and a change on the blog layout.

Update: Another pointless post, this channel has been deleted. My new channel is:

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Tomy Discussion: Percy

Yesterday I have uploaded my Tomy Percy Discussion video on You Tube. My Tomy discussions run for about three minutes long.

Now that I have done two Tomy discussions my next one will be the Henry discussion. Look out for it latter today.

Monday, 19 March 2012

More Tomy Discussions On The Way!

For March brake I am uploading lots of Thomas And Friends Tomy discussions on You Tube.

Some of the discussions that I will upload include: Thomas,Percy,Henry,Gordon,James,Toby and Mavis.
That is one a day for all of March brake. I do not do much uploading on my Thomas DVD Guy You Tube channel but now I thought it would be a good time to.

My first discussion is all ready uploaded. You can watch my Tomy Thomas discussion in the post below.

Enjoy all of my new discussions as they come out on You Tube.

Update: This channel is now deleted, you can see my new channel titled raretwrhunter at the link here:

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Tomy Thomas Discussion

This video is my first Tomy discussion on my Thomas DVD Guy You Tube channel.

I will be uploading a lot more Tomy discussions after this one. In my first Tomy discussion I will be looking at the Tomy Thomas. It is a very nice model of Thomas compared to the new Trackmaster one.

Enjoy the first Tomy discussion that I have made.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

New You Tube Channel Disign

As we all know the You Tube channel design has changed today from the old design to the new one permanently. I know a lot of people hate this new channel design but I think there are some good things about it.

The first thing that is good about it is that the buttons are very large and I think they made them large for all of the new touch screen devices. For example there is the i pad. Some of the old buttons would be really hard to push on a touch screen but with the new ones I bet it would be a lot easier. I think that the touch screen was what the Google workers were focused on when they made the brand new buttons.

The next good thing about it is that you can feature as many other You Tube channels on the right side as you would like to. I have a lot of other channels on the right side. If you where wondering when you put the channels on the right there is a like to that channel.
Now here are a few bad things about the channel design. The first bad thing is that you can not move the page elements around any way you would like them. That was the nice thing about the old design you could have the page elements witch ever way you wanted.

On the other hand for the new channel design you have to select different channel layouts and can not more things around on your channel.

Well that is about it for the new channel design. So over all it is very nice and clean and modern for touch screen devices.

You can view my new look channel at the like here: Thomas DVD Guy's Channel

Monday, 12 March 2012

Episode Review & Recap: Percy & The Monster Of Brendam

Percy & The Monster Of Brendam was one of the best episodes in season 16 as far as I am concerned.
I really like the fog effects in the episode. The fog was actually the best thing about the episode.
I think another good part in the episode was that we got to see Butch and Bertie and they both got supporting rolls in the episode. It was nice to see Rockey in the episode and I think he looks good in his CGI adaption. At the front of the episode we saw something that we don't normally see in the front of the episodes. What we saw was the Wind Mill it was very nice to be able to see this in the front of an episode.

I think it is very funny how three of the monsters are cranes. It is also funny when Percy thinks that Diesel is the monster of Brendam. I know how people are not happy because Thomas was in so many episodes of season 15 and 14 but it would be nice if he was in this episode with Percy. After all they are best friends.
I remember watching Thomas,Percy and The Dragon back in the old series. Funny that Percy is the one that is scared and that is why I think Thomas is not in this episode. Thomas does not get scared expect for Percy's ghost tricks on Halloween. I just thought it would be nice to see Thomas in a episode with fog in it. Thomas has never been in a new CGI episode with fog before after all. Now lets talk about the appearance of Butch the tow truck in this new episode. The part where Butch knocked over the pipes on Toby's flat bed was slimmer to the first episode with Butch in CGI. What I see a lot in the new episodes is the same ideas being used over and over again in different ways.
Over all I think that this was a very good episode and there was some good things about it and some bad things about it but over all I give this new CGI episode about a 4/10.


Plot: On the Island of Sodor, the fog is beginning to swirl into Brendam Docks. Percy is there, waiting for cargo and listening to one of Salty's tales!

Cameos: James,Stanly,Emily.

Air Date: Feb 23/2012

Writer(s): Sharon Miller

Friday, 9 March 2012

Enterprising Engines: Cannon Fodder

The famous You Tuber has uploaded a new episode in his wooden railway series today. The episode is called Cannon Fodder and has the narrow gage engines in it. He has used the new stile narrow gage engines in this episode. This episode has a lot of new camera angles,computer effects and very good stop motion. I think that Enterprising Engines episodes are just getting better and better.

This is the plot of Enterprising Engines new episode. Following Sir Handel's (and Bertram's) mishaps with gunpowder, the Thin Controller rallies an investigation party to uncover any other hidden explosives on the Skarloey Railway.

This video is all ready past 100 views and was just recently uploaded on to You Tube.

You can watch the new episode at the link here: Cannon Fodder

Lift,Load,and Haul! Game On Thomas And

There is a new game on Thomas And now and it is called the Lift Load and Haul! game.
This game is very nice and you can choose from six different engines to take loads from Bremdam Docks to other places on the Island Of Sodor. Here is the story of the game and how to play it. First an engine has to pick up a load from Bremdam Docks because there is a lot to do there. Then that engine takes that load through the country and every time a track gets blocked. After the track gets blocked you have to help the engine find the right track to make the delivery on time and be really useful. That is how the game works.

This game is the first ever CGI Thomas game on Thomas And I think that it is bast of Day Of The Diesels because Den is one of the engines in the game. The six engines in this new game are: Percy,Thomas,James,Diesel,Den and Salty. This is a very nice mix of steam engines and diesel engines I think.

I do not like how the engines are crooked on the front page of the game though. Over all I give this brand new game a 3/10. Not a very good game for a CGI one, but the one's on the DVDs aren't that much better.

You can play the new game at the link right here: Lift,Load,and Haul Game

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Episode Review And Recap: Express Coming Through

This episode was nice but the only real problem with it was when Thomas was able to pull the express all by him self. In the old series they said that when Gordon was not around they needed two tank engines to pull the express. I do not under stand how Thomas can pull the express by him self now.

I think the best part in the episode was Dowager Hatt eating a cake on board the express coach. I thought that part of the episode was funny. The party at the end was a nice touch but in the episode they said that they where visitors. Some of the people where visitors but some of them lived on the Island Of Sodor.

When Thomas went to the docks to get the balloons I thought that they would all ready be blown up. In some older episodes from the classic series the balloons where blown up when the engines took them to the party. I also thought that the balloons rising up from underneath the screen at the end of the episode was a nice touch. It just looked good and the balloons where animated very well.

The cast of cameos in this episode was surprisingly big from other episodes in the CGI series and it is nice to see a lot of engines in the episode's.

All the rest of the animation was great. A job well done by Nitrogen Studios. I really enjoy the animation and that is now of the reasons that I like to watch Thomas And Friends. I just hope that the new animation company that animates season 17 will be just as good.

Over all I think this episode deserves about a 6/10. A very good episode in the sixteenth series of Thomas.


Plot: It's a big day on Sodor! The Fat Controller's mother, Dowager Hatt, is having a party and she has invited some very important visitors.

The Fat Controller wants them to go on a tour of Sodor before returning to Knapford Station for the party. Gordon isn't free, so Thomas jumps at the chance of such a special occasion. He will take the visitors on the tour!

Cameos: Scruff,Hero,Percy,James,Butch,Harold,Captain,Henry,Emily,Edward,Toby.

Air Date: Feb 22/2012

Writer(s): Sharon Miller

Wednesday, 7 March 2012


This video has been uploaded by You Tube HankAmericanEngine and I think this is his first episode using Tomy and Trackmaster toys.

This episode has a big cast with: James,Thomas,Den and Dart along with the yard manager. The yard manager is a die cast Cars 2 toy for the new Cars 2 movie.

I do not know the name of this car though. I think that this is a very nice episode made by a Thomas And Friends fan but the voicing goes high and low and all over the place.

You can view HankAmericanEngine's new episode on You Tube here: TAKARA TOMY/Fisher-Price TRACKMASTER Review Ditty

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

TomixNscale89: Train Swap Meet Pickups March 4/2012

This video tells all about what TomixNscale89 got at a Train Swap.

This video has some very cool old Thomas things in it.

I will keep making this kind of post but only with certain You Tube channels.

Episode Review & Recap: Ol' Weezy Wobbles

This is the second episode of season 16 and is of course written by Sharon Miller. This episode was pretty good over all but there where a few bed things in it. One bad thing in this episode was where Den and Dart needed to be together to fix Ol' Wheezy. Come on they didn't even fix him at all there drivers did it.

When Thomas went to the Diesel works and kept bossing Den and Dart around to fix Ol' Wheezy you would expect Diesel 10 to come out of the diesel works and chase Thomas a way from bossing the diesels around.

Some good things about this episode are the animation. The animation of Ol' Wheezy and the logging pond are very well done. It is also nice to see Ferdinand talk for once and say something other that "That's Right".

A lot of people on You Tube do not really like the Logging Locos but I think they are OK for the series.
It is nice to see a lot of the new engine's that are in the series go back to Misty Island. Some times trains only do something once in the series and never do it again.

Over all this episode is a very good one. I like Den and Dart and a lot of other thing's in the episode.

I give this episode a bout a 3/10.


Plot: It's a bad day on Misty Island. Ol' Wheezy has stopped working!
The Logging Locos don't know what to do and that makes them sad. Thomas is sure he can help.

Cameos:  Henry,Charlie,Percy,Toby,Belle.

Air Date: Feb 21/2012

Writer(s): Sharon Miller


Special Post: Website Out Now

I am publishing my website sooner that expected with Google sites. My website has a lot of thing's on it all ready but some thing's are still coming soon on the website. Right now on the website I have made first of all a Home page. The Home page will have one new video from You Tube on it every day of the week.
Also on the home page there will be link's to other updates on the website.

Second there is a Blog just for the website. This blog will only have news on website updates as for right now. Every time I update a page there will be a new news post published on the website blog.

The next thing is a Thomas Episodes page. This page is what I call a website section. There are 16 other pages on this website section. One for each season of Thomas And Friends.

Now we can move on to the next thing. There is a You Tube section of the website with a page for each great Thomas You Tube channel. Each page that I make for the channel's will have the most recent video that the channel has uploaded.

This website has all kinds of other cool thing's coming soon. Please leave a comment on this post to tell me how I am doing with my new website.

View the new website at the link here: Thomas DVD Guy's Website

leokimvideo back for a While

Well leokimvideo is back for a while because he has some more videos that he made a long time ago that he never uploaded. Leo is not making new productions as far as I know. Leo just uploaded a new video called The Thomas Darker Side Ep 2.This video is very entertaining but there are some things in it that might disturb you.

This video is kind of long but very good. Leo once again is looking at fake Thomas toys.

This is a very nice production Leo. I love your Thomas The Tank Videos.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Episode Review And Recap : Race To The Rescue

This is my review on episode one of season 16 Race To The Rescue.

This being the first episode of the season was very good and a little in proved from the last season.
Being written by Sharon Miller it had a lot of riming it like any other episode from the CGI series.
There were some good thing's about the episode and some bad thing's about the episode but over all the episode is nice to watch all the way through. I think they are over using Charlie a little but other that that it was good.

A few good thing's that I like about this episode is that when Flynn speed's up on the road when he gets to the fire. I just think that the animation on that is very well done.

Another good thing about the episode is the animation angle's at the Steam Works. I think that is a very good job as well.

A bad thing in this episode is that there is just way to much riming in the series. Also when Charlie makes Flynn look silly because he wobbles on the road is not right. I mean a brave fire engine does not get scared when he has to go to an emergence. That is the only really wrong part of the episode.

It is nice to see Butch and Bertie in the first episode of a new season because we do not see road vehicle's in the first episode of a season that much.

Butch braking down for the first time was kind of new and I did not know that Flinn had a tow cable.
Well no one ever did. Seeing Bertie over heat was not new because he had over heated in some older episodes of the series.

Well that is my review on Race To The Rescue. Over all I give this episode about a 4/10.
Yes not that good again but it anyway it was better that before.


Plot: It's Flynn the Fire Engine's first day out on the road. He has had his wheels fixed by Victor. Now Flynn can roll on the roads as well as the tracks! But Flynn isn't happy.

Cameos: James.Hero,Scruff,Mavis,Gordon,Rosie,Kevin.

Air Date: Feb 20/2012

Writer(s): Sharon Miller

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Percy And The Chocolate Bunny Car

To day on Ebay I have found a strange new Thomas Wooden Railway item that I have never seen or heard of before. It is called Percy and the Chocolate Bunny Car. I think it is a new Easter themed toy for this year.

Can anyone tell me about this new Wooden Railway toy? Leave your comment below. As you know Thomas Wooden Railway has had Easter themed toys before. Here is the link to the auction.

Percy And The Chocolate Bunny Car 

The starting bid is $12:99.

DVD Reviews Coming

This is now the first week of March in 2012 and this week I am doing a lot of DVD reviews.

The DVD reviews coming out this week are:
Creaky Cranky,The Lion Of Sodor,Merry Winter Wish,Wobbly Wheels & Whistles and Pop Goes Thomas.

I know it is a lot of DVD reviews to rite out but it will be a lot of fun and my blog has been having a lot of action lately.  Enjoy the DVD reviews when they arrive.

New Google Site In The Works

I am working on a real website where I can have more that twenty pages. The website will have all kinds of info on Thomas And Friends. Some of the page's will include: episodes,movies,blog,products and a lot more.

In the episodes section there will be a page for every season of Thomas & Friends.  Also in the movies section there will be a page for: Blue Mountain Mystery,Day Of The Diesels,Misty Island Rescue,The Great Discovery,Hero Of The Rails,Calling All Engines and Thomas And The Magic Railroad.

The Product's page will have long list's of product's for these brand's: Wooden Railway,Take n' Play and Trackmaster.

The blog will have updates on the website and other things.

Enjoy the new website when it comes out some time in April.