Monday, 25 February 2013

Episode Review: Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree

Season 2, Episode 26
Air Date: December 23rd, 1986
Writer(s): Christopher Awdry

Sir topham hatt tells Thomas to take a Christmas tree from Knapford station to Tidmouth. On the way Thomas runs in to a snow drift. Soon the other engines get mad because he is late, but Sir topham hatt soon tells them that Thomas must be stranded in the snow. Donald and Douglas go and rescue him. Then they all go to the Christmas part at the station. Sir topham hatt was there, and Harold brought Father Christmas.

I remember seeing this episode before, but I don't remember Sir topham hatts' voice echoing from the microphone. This is the first episode that Christopher Awdry wrote for the T.V. series, which I didn't know. Season 2 had lot's of good episodes. My favorites were: Percy's Ghostly Trick , A Close Shave for Duck and this one.

Over all I give this episode a 8/10

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Episode Review: Woolly Bear

Season 2, Episode 25
Air Date: December 19th, 1989
Writer(s): Reverend W. Awdry

Percy has to take hay to the docks, but Thomas tells him that he looks like a caterpillar. Then when Percy get's to the docks, a crane drops a box of  treacle on Percy by accident. The on the way home it gets windy, and the hey from the tracks sticks to Percy. By the time Percy gets to the station he is covered in hey, and everyone laughed at him. Then Percy goes back to the shed and tells his driver to clean him before Toby gets back, but Thomas tells Toby all about it anyway. When Thomas and Toby got back to the shed, they talked about woolly bear caterpillars.

They should have made a Woolly Bear virsion on Percy for the Adventures of Percy wooden railway pack.  I didn't really like the episode, but it was a little funny.I liked Percys' ghost whistle, but I thought that the hey on Percy was just ugly.

Over all I give this episode a 9/10

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Episode Review: Percy's Ghostly Trick

Season 2, Episode 24
Air Date: December 16th, 1989 
Writer(s): Reverend W. Awdry 

Thomas tells Percy a ghost train story, but he didn't know it was pretend. Then Percy had to go. On his way he crashed trough a lime cart, which made him look like a ghost, so Percy and Toby played a trick on Thomas. First, Toby went to the shed where Thomas was and told him that the line was cleared, but that there was something worse. Then Percy showed up at the shed and scared Thomas, then Thomas pretended that he had to go, when he was really scared of Percy. The next morning Toby and Percy talk about it at Kapford station.

I saw this episode lots, and I think it's the best episode in season 2. This episode is very popular for Halloween remakes on You Tube. I liked the fog in this episode, it wasn't to think. They make the fog was to thick in the new CGI episodes. Also this is the first Halloween themed episode.

Over all I give this episode a 10/10

Episode Review: Edward's Exploit

Season 2, Episode 23
 Air Date: November 20th, 1991 
Writer(s): Reverend W. Awdry  

Edward has to take a train of visitors from Knapford station to Bill and Ben. After, Edward has to take them home, but on the way the weather turns bad, and Edwards' side rods broke. So then the driver and fireman had to make adjustments to the coaches so Edward can pull the train. Edward makes it back to the station late, but the passenger's were happy to be there.

 I've seen this episode lot's of times on VHS, and I never really liked the story. They never really said what was wrong with Edward in the first place, and I don't know why the engines were being rude to Edward. Over all I really didn't like this episode.

Over all I give this episode a 2/10

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Episode Review: Wrong Road

Season 2, Episode 22
Air Date: November 1st, 1986
Writer(s): Reverend W. Awdry 

Gordon and Edward both have to take trains from Knapford station, but Gordon leaves early because his driver thinks that a green hat is the flag. By the time Gordon got back Edward was late. The single man wasn't told about the change so Edward went on the main line, and Gordon was sent on the branch line. The next morning when Gordon woke up Bill and Ben came and joked about him. Then Boco came and told the twins to stop. Gordon still thinks that Boco saved him.

The end of the episode was funny, but how did the twins know that Gordon said that branch lines were vulgar? I saw this episode a long time ago and remembered it. I thing I have it on VHS or something. Over all I thought the episode was great.

Over all I give this episode a 8/10

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Episode Review: The Diseasel

Season 2, Episode 21
Air Date: December 23rd, 1991 
Writer(s): Reverend W. Awdry

Bill and Ben get some cars from the quarry and put them in a siding, then go back for more, but when they get back the cars are gone. There drivers see a leak of diesel oil. They play a trick on the diesel by taking of the twins name plates, and driving up on both sides of the diesel. Soon the diesel discovers that there are two engines, and says his name is Boco after Edward shows up and tells the twins to take Bocos' cars.

It's funny how Bill and Bens' eyes go crazy when they surprise Boco. This is the first episode that Bill, Ben and Boco are seen in. I thought this was a great, and funny episode. They said that the drivers took of the twins side plates and numbers, but they just took off the side plates.

Over all I give this episode a 9/10

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Episode Review: Percy's Predicament

Season 2, Episode 20
Air Date: October 19th, 1986 
Writer(s): Reverend W. Awdry 

Daisy leaves the milk car behind again, so Toby takes the milk and Percy takes Tobys' cars. On the way the cars make trouble, then up a head, there is a all engines must pin down brakes sign, but Percy races passed it and crashes in to a brake van. Sir topham hatt soon comes, an talks to Percy, Toby and Daisy. Daisy now stays to help with the branch line, and Thomas is back from repair.
I like how the old episode join up in to one big story, all the new CGI episode are just random story's. It's funny that Daisy is still getting away with not taking the milk even after Sir topham hatt talked to her. 
Over all I give this episode a 9/10

Monday, 18 February 2013

Episode Review: Daisy

Season 2, Episode 19
 Air Date: October 14th, 1986
Writer(s): Reverend W. Awdry

Daisy the rail car comes to the island to take Thomas' passengers whale he is being repaired. Percy and Toby show her around, and she is fussy about the shed, and she doesn't like the rubbish is the shed, which is Annie, Clarabel, and Henrietta. The next day Daisy won't take the milk car that Toby backs on to her. The passengers and the driver argue about it, but they soon leave the car behind, and Daisy never pulls it.

I really like the music at the end of the episode, I've never heard that song before. The rest of the episode was all right, but there wasn't much of a story. There are loads of goofs on the TTTE Wikia for this episode.

Over all I give this episode a 4/10

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Episode Review: Thomas Comes to Breakfast

Season 2, Episode 18
 Writer(s):Reverend W. Awdry
 Air Date: March 26th, 1989 

Thomas' driver tells Thomas that he stops so well that he could do it him self. Thomas believed his driver, so he boasted to Toby and Percy about it. The next morning the fireman fiddled with his controls and then Thomas pulled away and crashed  in to the side station masters' house, and spoiled there breakfast. later, Donald and Douglas pull Thomas free, and Sir topham hatt tells Thomas that his bumper will get repaired, and that a diesel will do his work whale he is away.

This episode seems to be popular for remakes. The crash was ment to be funny, but it wasn't really. The one in Ducks' Close Shave was more funny. Why did they need Donald and Douglas to pull a small tank engine out? That was kind of strange. 

Over all I give this episode a 8/10

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Episode Review: The Depuation

Season 2, Episode 17
Writer(s): Reverend W. Awdry
Air Date: November 22nd, 1991

 Donald and Douglas are plowing the snow, then they head back to the shed. Sir topham hatt is still thinking about which twin to send away. The engines want them both to stay, so Percy asks Edward what to do. Edward says they need a depuation. So then Percy goes and tells Sir topham hatt that Donald and Douglas will be scraped if they are sent away. Sir topham hatt then comes to the sheds and tells the twins that they have worked well, and will get hew numbers, and stay on the Island.

I like the story for the plot, but I don't like the bad words that we're put in it. James, Donald, and Douglas all said bad words. With out the bad words, the episode is great. I don't know who is putting all these bad words in the episode's, but I don't think the Reverend W. Awrdy would do that kind of thing.

Over all I give this episode a 2/10