Friday, 26 April 2013

Episode Review: James Goes Buzz Buzz

Season 3, Episode 17
Air Date: January 2nd, 1992
Writer(s): Reverend W. Awdry


Trevor was working at the Vicars orchard, James was there, Trevor explained that the boxes were the bee's hives. Boco came by, and warned James that bee's sting. Boco left to the next station, he told Duck about how Bill and Ben were like bees when he first meat them. James was at Knapford station, he had to take the passengers and the bee hives. When the workman was loading one of the hives it broke, everyone cleared the station, and the bees buzzed around James' driver and Fireman, but they didn't understand, so they landed on him warm boiler. James tried everything to get them off, but nothing worked. Finally, they went back to the orchard, and they buzzed in to there new hive. Back at Tidmouth sheds, the Vicar thought that if it was Christmas, they should call James the red nosed engine.


I thought this episode was very funny, but I didn't like the CGI cartoon bee that stung James at the station. it was also funny when Duck said Buzz, Buzz, Buzz. This episode is like the new Sharon Miller episode, Buzzy Bees, where Hero tells Thomas to take bees through the quiet woods, and not the flower garden.

Over all I give this episode a 9/10

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