Friday, 30 August 2013

Episode Review: Percy & the Haunted Mine

Season 6, Episode 13
Air Date: September 6th, 2002
Writer(s): Robyn Charteris
Narrator: Alec Baldwin
It was time for the best dressed station contest, at the sheds Sir Top Ham Hatt told Percy to take some bushes from Mathwaite to Lower Tidmouth station. Percy was scared of the old mine at night, there was a red single, and while he waited the chimney sank in to the ground. Percy told Donald about it the next day, he said it was naughty gnomes. The next night Sir Top Ham Hatt sent Percy to get some more cars for Lower Tidmouth station.

When he got to the mine the other building sank, and the garden gnomes fell out of the cars, Percy thought they were naughty gnomes, so he raced back. He told Sir Top Ham Hatt about it and he explained about the sinking mine and that the gnomes were for the station. The next day Lower Tidmouth station won the contest, and Percy jokes about the gnomes.

My Own Thoughts
It's funny that the engines always get scared by someones story.  The fog was good in this episode, in other episode it's to thick. How could Percy go back, isn't his driver in control? They should have said Percys' driver took him back, not Percy.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Episode Review: Scaredy Engines

Season 6, Episode 12
Air Date: September 4th, 2002
Writer(s): Robin Kingsland
Narrator: Alec Baldwin

It was Halloween and Edward was telling a ghost story when Sir Top Ham Hatt sent Thomas and Percy to the Smelters yard to collect a load. Thomas was busy teasing Percy about ghosts at the Smelters yard, and soon the job was done, Thomas stayed to finish up while Duck and Percy went back.

After they left Thomas started to get scared, he was so scared that he raced all the way back to Tidmouth Sheds. Percy and Duck were watching the fireworks, and Percy wondered were Thomas was, he soon found him at the sheds. Thomas said sorry to Percy about teasing him and they watch the end of the fireworks at the sheds.

My Own Thoughts
I really enjoyed the spooky music track on this episode. This episode was like Percy's Ghostly Trick, but a Thomas version. There was a bad echo in the recording room in the middle of the episode. Over all the episode was great.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Episode Review: The World's Strongest Engine

Season 6, Episode 11
Air Date: August 27th, 2002
Writer(s): Paul Larson
Narrator: Alec Baldwin

The troublesome trucks had derailed Henry while he was pulling a goods train, so Diesel had to come and work at the docks while Henry was being repaired. The next day when Diesel arrived the trucks teased him about not being strong enough, so Diesel made a long line of 20 trucks.

The shunter didn't release the brakes on the trucks yet, but the trucks told diesel to pull anyway, soon the coupling snapped and Diesel plunged in a barge. Latter Sir Top Ham Hatt came, he was cross with Diesel, but Henry made up for lost time. Meanwhile Thomas and Percy had seen the whole thing, they were happy that the trucks got rid of Diesel.

My Own Thoughts
It's funny that a diesel is always only available, why is there never a steam engine? Every buddy knows that today's diesels can pull loads way bigger than that, over 100 trucks.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Episode Review: Twin Trouble

Season 6, Episode 10
Air Date: August 24th, 2002
Writer(s): Brian Trueman
Narrator: Alec Baldwin

One day Donald and Douglas were puffing  through thee country side hauling a heavy load. Up the line Trevor was struggling with a hey wagon, the wheels had fallen off, then Donald crashed in to it, no on was hurt. The twins were so cross that they didn't speak to each other for the rest of the day.

The next day Sir Top Ham Hatt said he needed an engine to work at the smelters yard with Duck, Donald said he wanted to, but he began to miss his twin. That night Donald went to see Douglas, but he was still in a bad mood. The next day Donald backed to close to the buffers and crashed in to them.

Duck went for help, Douglas pulled Donald back on the tracks, then they were happy to be back together.

This episode was funny. It was hard to keep track of Donald and Douglas while writing the plot. I like Donald and Douglas' theme song that played in the background. This episode still teaches kids to get revenge, and a lot of Thomas episode are like this.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Episode Review: It's Only Snow

Season 6, Episode 9
Air Date: August 23rd, 2002
Writer(s): James Mason
Narrator: Alec Baldwin

It was winter on the Island of Sodor, at the station the engines teased Thomas about his snow plow. That night it snowed, and the next morning Sir Top Ham Hatt told the engines they had to have there snow plows fitted. Thomas tried to urge Sir Top Ham Hatt that he didn't need it, but he said every engine needs a snow plow.

The next day Thomas had his snow plow fitted, then he went to collect his special, it was a christmas tree for the villagers. Then Thomas meet up with Toby and they were on there way, but latter there was trouble. Thomas couldn't see the rock ahead and his snow plow broke when it hit it, and it knocked over the water tower. Thomas went on with out a snow plow, it was hard, but they soon arrived.

When Thomas returned, he was worried about what Sir Top Ham Hatt would say, he was pleased that Thomas got to the village with out a snowplow, and said he could go with out one for a while.

My Own Thoughts
It's strange that Thomas didn't use his blue snow plow in this episode.  I liked the Thomas' Winter Wonderland theme that played in the background during most of the episode.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Episode Review: A Friend in Need

Season 5, Episode 8
Air Date: August 20th, 2002
Writer(s): Phil Fehrle, Abi Grant, Jonathan Trueman 
Narrator: Alec Baldwin

Thomas hoped to see his new friend Jack when he got to the old bridge near the quarry, he knew the Pack was working there. Jack was loading Max with Alfie, when they were done the workmen told Oliver to move some topsoil, Jack was about to do it, but remembered he was told to not jump in were he didn't belong.

After, Ned was going under the bridge, but he didn't lower his crane arm, so he knocked loose some important key stones, then the bridge started to crumble. Thomas was just coming by so Jack raced under and held up the bridge, Thomas backed up and Jack let go, the bridge pice tumbled down.

Back at the yard Ms. Jenny was pleased with Jack, she said he could stay in the Pack. The rest of the team cheered, and Thomas was happy.

My Own Thoughts
How could Jack be strong enough to hold Thomas up? Nothing else to say about this episode.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Episode Review: Jack Jumps In

Season 6, Episode 7
Air Date: August 17th, 2002
Writer(s): Phil Ferhle, Jonathan, Abi Grant
Narrator: Alec Baldwin

Ms. Jenny had a special for Thomas, he was to take Jack the front loader to the new construction site. When he got there he asked all the machines if he could help, the he saw the Foreman who introduced him to his oilier. 

Then Jack went to work with Alfie, Jack was having fun when Max roared by, Jack told him to stop bullying, the he dieseled away, Alfie said Thank You. Latter the Foreman told Oliver to move some rocks, then Jack went to do it, they told him to stop, but he fell down the hill. 

Jack wasn't badly damaged, but Ms. Jenny was disappointed. Then Thomas told him being a good friend is important, and that made him fell better.

My Own Thoughts
This is the first episode for the Pack spin-off series. Thomas told Jack to watch out for Max, when Max and Monty both make trouble, but Monty, for some reason, wasn't seen in this episode. I also enjoyed the background music in this episode. It seems strange that they need three writers to make a four minute episode.

Monday, 12 August 2013

Episode Review: The Fogman

Season 6, Episode 6
Air Date: August 14th, 2002
Writer(s): Jonathan Trueman
Narrator: Alec Baldwin

It was winter on the Island of Sodor, the first fogs begun to roll in from the sea. Annie and Clarabel liked the quiet of Misty Valley, but Thomas had to be careful of falling rocks. Cyril the Fog man's job was to put detonators on the tracks that warned engine's that there was fog ahead.

The next day at Tidmouth Sheds Sir Top Ham Hatt had a surprise for the engines, it was a foghorn, the engines didn't like it because it was to loud. Latter Percy heard the foghorn, he said it didn't make his axles tingle. Then, because it was so loud, it caused a rock slide, and the foghorn was crushed.

After that Thomas was puffing down the same line, there was no foghorn, so he crashed in to the rocks. The foghorn was no were to be seen. Toby would be coming down the line any minute, so Cyril put a detonator on the line just in time, Toby stopped just before the wreckage. Latter when the mess was cleared, Sir Top Ham Hatt said Cyril was more reliable that the foghorn, so Cyril got his job back.

My Own Thoughts
If Sir Top Ham Hatt saw the shingles falling of the roof when he was testing the foghorn, and he knew there were rock slides in the area he was going to use it, then why did he bother? It was funny when Gordon said"It sounds like a Tugboat".

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Episode Review: Elizabeth the Vintage Quarry Truck

Season 6, Episode 5
Air Date: August 12th, 2002
Writer(s): Paul Larson
Narrator: Alec Baldwin

Thomas was taking an important delivery to Brendam Docks, but he was puffing to hard because the load was to heavy, the his coupling rods snapped. His driver spotted an old shed, then he came back to get some of Thomas' coal and informed Thomas it was a surprise. Soon, an old steam truck came out of the shed, the driver had trouble taking her up the hill, but they soon got Thomas' coupling rods fixed and they were on there way.

When they got to the docks Sir Top Ham Hatt wondered why Thomas was late, Thomas told him about the coupling rods and was about to tell him about Elizabeth when she pulled up. Sir Top Ham Hatt was pleased to see his first trucks and he had Jem Cole restore her to her orinigal beauty.

My Own Thoughts
The narrator said Thomas broke his coupling rods, but it looked like he only broke one. I liked the background music in this episode. How did Elizabeth driver to Brendam docks, Thomas' driver left her at the shed, did she drive her self there?

10 more Season 17 Episodes Confirmed for October

Thanks to Roll Along Thomas, ten more season 17 episodes have been confirmed for October. Below is a list of the episodes.

The Lost Puff

To Many Fire Engines

The Thomas Way

The Phantom Express

Percy's Lucky Day

Bill or Ben?

No Snow for Thomas

The Frozen Turntable

The Missing Christmas Decorations

Santa's Little Engine

The last four Christmas themed episodes might be seen on the Santa's Little Engines DVD. The fan base isn't sure, but there may be six more episodes yet to be confirmed.

Season 17 starts on October 7th, 2013 on Us T.V. stations, including PBS.

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Episode Review: A Bad Day for Harold

Season 6, Episode 3
Air Date: August 10th, 2002
Writer(s): Simon Nicholson
Narrator: Alec Baldwin

Harold had to take the mail and Percy didn't like it. The next day Percy was delivering the mail when he came to a broken signal, he had to wait for it to be fixed. Sir Top Ham Hatt soon heard the news and sent Harold to take Percys' mail, but as soon as Harold was loaded the signal was fixed.

Percy told him to wait, but then he had trouble, the mail was to heavy, and he crashed in the tree and flue in a hey stack. Percy wen to get help. The next day Harold's' engine was fixed and he was flying again, then he flue so low that only Percy could here him say" thanks for helping me out of that hey stack my friend".

My Own Thoughts
I really liked Harold's theme song that played in the background. This episode was like of Thomas & Gordon and Thomas & Bertie's Great Race because it had two characters. Over all I really liked the episode, it also reminded me of Percy proves a Point.

Friday, 9 August 2013

Episode Review: No Sleep for Cranky

Season 5, Episode 3
Air Date: September 7th, 2002
Writer(s): Paul Larson
Narrator: Alec Baldwin

Cranky was cranky because he had to work day and night with only the sea gulls for company. That morning Salty came along with Bill and Ben who were full of mischief. Salty started telling a story so Cranky accidentally dropped the pipes on the tracks knocking down the shed trapping Bill, Ben and Salty.

Sir Top Ham Hatt was measuring for a new suite, but when he heard the news he raced for the docks. When he got there he said the three engines would have to stay for the night until Harvey could clear up the mess in the morning. Salty told stories all night which made Cranky very cross.

The next day Harvey cleared up the mess and the engines were on there way. Cranky was so happy he forgot to be cranky, Thomas and Percy were impressed with Cranky's mood, but it didn't last long, then all the engines laughed.

My Own Thoughts
This season has many different writers, rather than one doing the whole season. It was funny when Sir Top Ham Hatt used the bull horn, but they should have done a echo effect for it. Over all I really liked the episode.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Episode Review: Harvey to the Rescue

Season 6, Episode 2
Air Date: August 5th, 2002
Writer(s): Jonathan Trueman
Narrator: Alec Baldwin

There was a new arrival on Sodor, he was a crane named Harvey, the other engines thought he looked strange. Then Sir Top Ham Hatt said tomorrow Harvey would give a demonstration for the railway board. That night the engines were discussing how Harvey was different, he didn't like it.

The next day Harvey told Sir Top Ham Hatt the other engines didn't like him, he said being different was what made his useful. Latter Percy was having trouble with the trucks on the branch line, they derailed and blocked the road under Bulgy's Bridge.

Sir Top Ham Hatt called Harvey to clear up the mess, Bertie happened to be there with the railway board, and they thought the clean up was the perfect demonstration, and Sir Top Ham Hatt said Harvey could stay on his railway. That night the engines told Harvey he did a good job.

My Own Thoughts
I don't have much to say about this episode, but why did Sir Top Ham Hatt have the railway board do a demonstration? After all, it's Sir Top Ham Hatt's railway. Also, I liked the background music in this episode.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Episode Review: Salty's Secret

Season 6, Episode 1
Air Date: August 3rd, 2002
Writer(s): Robin Kingsland
Narrator: Alec Baldwin

It was busy on the Island of Sodor so Sir Top Ham Hatt got a new engine, his name was Salty, he loved the docks, but Sir Top Ham Hatt sent him to the quarry. Once he got there Bill and Ben thought he couldn't handle the trucks, but he handled them so sell that Bill and Ben were jealous.

That night Salty was alone, Mavis went over to see what was the matter, he said he thought he might catch a bit of sea breeze. The next day Salty tried to show Bill and Ben how to work with the trucks, but they couldn't get it. A few day's latter Sir Top Ham Hatt arrived, he was surprised to see the job complete. Then he told Salty he would work at the docks from now on.

My Own Thoughts
This is one of my favroite episodes, I liked Salty's song. This is the first episode I saw Sir Top Ham Hatt turn his head, I think they used stop motion when he was inspecting the quarry. Overall i enjoyed the episode. The images will now be higher quality because I found a better way to down load them off the TTTE Wikia.

Episode Overview: Snow + Overall

Season 5, Episode 26
Air Date: November 5th, 1998
Writer(s): Britt Allcroft, David Mitton
Narrator: Alec baldwin

It was winter on the Island of Sodor, everyone was busy expect Percy, he was stuck in a snow drift, Thomas thought it wasn't time for a rest, latter Thomas was plowing near a bridge, then he got stuck in a drift. Rusty was next to him, he told Thomas about the worst winter on Sodor.

Skarloey was delivering some trucks, the fireman set off a emergency beacon to see if it was safe. They ran over it but nothing happened, so the driver and fireman waited and had hot chocolate. Meanwhile the winch wasn't working right, the trucks were going up, then stopped, the trucks going down snapped the coupling and plunged in the ravine causing a avalanche.

It landed on Skarloey and you couldn't tell he was there. The workmen soon dug him out, his warm engine caused a ice block to form. The driver and fireman were having hot chocolate as if nothing had happened. As soon as Rusty finished his story Gordon puffed by with the snow plough. Then the snow drift from the bridge landed on him and Thomas teased him about Skarloey.

Overall Thoughts
I stopped doing reviews on episodes because I didn't have much to say, so I'm gust going to do season overall thoughts. I really enjoyed this season, the only bad episode is Rusty & the Boulder, there are just so many errors on it. Busy going Backwards and Duncan Gets Spooked are two of my favorite episodes of this season. I just don't know what else to say, there isn't much to review about four minute episodes. Over all I enjoyed this season. The next season introduces lot's of "new" characters. 

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Episode Overview: Rusty & the Boulder

Season 5, Episode 25
Air Date: November 2nd, 1998
Writer(s): Britt Allcroft, David Mitton
Narrator: Alec Baldwin

High up in the mountains there was a mysterious boulder, they were making a new quarry close to it. Rusty told Thomas and Percy about the boulder, the Edward came up with a new piece of equipment, his name was Thumper and he would help drill rock faster, the workmen were pleased, but they forgot to check boulder.

When it rained the workmen went away, but Rusty gazed up at boulder looking worried. The next day the sun was shining and Thumper was working hard, but then boulder started to move, he rolled down Rusty's line. Rusty went by a junction and the boulder rolled up hill, then it chased Skarloey and Rheneas.

Soon it came to the yard and smashed in to the shed right next to Percy. Sir Top Ham Hatt came and announced the mine closed. They put boulder back on a hill near the yard, Rusty still thinks it gazes up to the mountain where it once stood proud and silent.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Episode Overview: Duncan Gets Spooked

Season 5, Episode 24
Air Date: October 31st, 1998
Writer(s):Britt Allcroft, David Mitton, David Maidment
Narrator: Alec Baldwin

Peter Sam was resting, but the trucks got board, broke away and fell in the ravine. Sir Top Ham Hatt wasn't happy, he made Peter Sam work in the yard for punishment. Duncan joked that Peter Sam's trucks would come back and haunt him so Rusty told him a ghost story.

One night a engine was on his way home, but he lost control on the old iron bridge, and plunged in the ravine. Workmen say he tries to get back home, but he can never get to the other side. Duncan thought it was a good joke. Peter Sam's driver came up with a plan to spook Duncan, Duncan's driver agreed. When they got to the iron bridge that night the mist was rising.

Then Duncan saw some lighting bugs, but to him they looked like a engine, the Duncan's driver through a stone in the water, Duncan was scared. When he got home he shut his eyes, but opened when his driver wasn't looking just to make sure he was still there.

WoodenRailwayReviews Posts New Review

Last night Wooden Railway Reviews posted a 2013 Flying Scotsman review on You Tube. In the review he discussed his life in the real world and there were some jokes along the way.

He also talked about how the new Thomas Wooden Railway items are released in the US before Canada because the market is more popular over there, and he pointed out that the tenders were backwards on all the Flying Scotsman boxes.

He also posted a upcoming live stream event on his channel that will start Thursday at 1:00 PM.

You can watch the new review below.

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Episode Overview: Busy Going Backwards

There will be a overall review at the end of each season instead of the "My Own Thoughts" section.

Season 5, Episode 23
Air Date:  October 29th, 1998
Writer(s): Britt Allcroft, David Mitton, David Maidment
Narrator: Alec Baldwin

Toad the brake van was complaining to Oliver because he never got to go forward, the cars had a plan to get back at Toad. When Oliver was all most to the top of the hill the cars broke free. Then Toad speed past Gordon and James nearly crashing in to them.

Then he passed Henry, meanwhile Oliver was trying to catch Toad, then the signal man warned everyone about the runaway train. Then there was trouble, some workmen were working on a bridge up ahead, they diverted Toad in to a siding, right in to a pond. Oliver joked that a pond was a good place for a toad.

That night Toad apologized to Oliver for causing a embarrassment and that he would look forward to going backwards.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Episode Overview: Make Someone Happy

Season 5, Episode 22
Air Date: October 26th, 1998
Writer(s): Britt Allcroft, David Mitton
Narrator: Alec Baldwin

James was complaining because he had to shunt trucks, meanwhile Oliver and Percy were watching Tiger Moth, he was flying around telling everyone about the fair. When James was in the yard he saw Ms. Kyndley, she was upset because her sister couldn't come to visit.

Sir Top Ham Hatt soon heard the news and told Harold to pick her up, latter Percy and Oliver went to collect a special, it was wooden horses for the fair. Then James came up boasting about helping Ms. Kyndley instead of shunting trucks.

Latter at the station Sir Top Ham Hatt said he was taking Ms. Kyndley on a mystery ride, when she got there she was surprised to be at the fair, she even got to make the opening announcement, then James said sorry to Thomas and said helping someone out does make you happier.