Monday, 30 September 2013

S17 Episode Overview: The Lost Puff

Season 17, Episode 11
Air Date: September 30th, 2013(UK)
Writer(s): Davey Moore
Narrator: Mark Moraghan

The engines were at Knapford station were Sir Top Ham Hatt was telling them about some bumpy track and to be careful. Paxton and Thomas were busy watching a workmen trying to catch a duck, but Sir Top Ham Hatt told them not to be silly.  Latter when Paxton got to the bumpy track he was having fun bumping over it and forgot what Sir Top Ham Hatt had said. Then Thomas started playing to, and he soon bumped in to Toby.

Latter Toby told Stafford that Thomas had lost his puff when he bumped in to him, Toby meant that Thomas got his firebox wet and it had to dry out, but Paxton thought wrong and went looking for Thomas' lost puff. First Paxton saw some stream and thought it was Thomas' lost puff, but it was only Gordon.

Then Paxton thought a cloud was Thomas' lost puff, so he went all the way to Ulfstead Castle and Stephen explained that it was just a cloud. After that Paxton decided to go to the Steam Works, once he was there Toby explained about the firebox, then Paxton went to see Thomas and it turned out that he was fine.

My Own Thoughts
This episode was funny, and it was nice that Paxton finally had a role in a episode, after Blue Mountain  Mystery. It was odd that Paxton hauled his quarry trucks all over Sodor for no good reason.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Episode Reviews: The Rest of Season 6

I'm no longer doing single episode reviews, so here is the end of season 6, there are only eight 
episodes left. This season is narrated by Alec Baldwin.

Episode Reviews: The Rest of Season 6

Episode Title: Buffer Bother
Writer(s): Ross Hastings
Sir Top Ham Hatt was inspecting the quarry engines, he said Ben needed new buffers, but Bill wanted buffers to, so he was naughty all day, then the trucks teased him and he backed in to the ditch. Ben came latter and pulled him out, Sir Top Ham Hatt wasn't happy, but Bill got new buffers in the end.

My Own Thoughts
This episode was funny, It was funny when Bill sneezed out the pipe. When Bill went in the ditch it would have been very hard for him to bang up his buffers the way he did in real life.

Episode Title: Toby Had a Little Lamb
Writer(s): Jenny McDade
Toby was out one day when he saw Farmer McColl waving a red flag, he said his sheep were stranded on the hill side and were about to have lambs, so Toby went to get the Vet. Sir Top Ham Hatt was waiting with the Vet when he got there. Duck tried to clear the line to get to the farm, but he couldn't, so Toby took his old branch line and the lambs were soon safe inside. Toby stayed for a few days so the lambs could stay in Henrietta, and Farmer McColl was very happy.

My Own Thoughts
Not much to say about this episode.  It was strange that Toby had to take a different route to the farm because he was all ready there in the first place, anyway I enjoyed the episode.

Episode Title: Thomas, Percy & the Squeak
Writer(s): Jenny McDade
Sir Top Ham Hatt arranged a concert with Alicia Botti, and all the engines wanted to take her, but Thomas was chosen, soon he was cleaned up, but when he got to the docks Alicia saw a mouse in Annie, and she screamed loud. Soon Percy came up all dirty, Alicia Botti boarded Percy and they left. That night the engine enjoyed the concert and Sir Top Ham Hatt made a home for the mouse in Tidmouth Sheds, and they named her Alicia.

My Own Thoughts
I didn't really like this episode, but the pun about the squeak was funny.

Episode Title: Thomas & the Jet Engine
Writer(s):Ross Hastings 
Sir Top Ham Hatt told Thomas to get a jet engine from the docks, but once he got there Cranky was in a bad mood and accidentally knocked the switch on the jet engine, Thomas raced by all the engine and back to Knapford station. Gordon was amazed after boasting about being the fastest. 

My Own Thoughts
This episode was great and really funny. I also enjoyed the background music, but why would Gordon be surprised if Thomas was going fast if he knew that the jet engine went fast in the first place?

Episode Title: Edward the Really Useful Engine
Writer(s): David Mitton
Gordon was saying rude things about how Edward wasn't useful anymore, so Percys' driver told Sir Top Ham Hatt, and he came up with a plan. He sent Edward to work with Stepney and Duck took Edwards' trucks. They were being troublesome and Duck soon stopped on Gordon's hill. Soon Gordon came and buffered up, but he couldn't move, so Edward came and pushed him to the station, Sir Top Ham Hatt told Gordon to say sorry to Edward, and there was no more talk about Edward being put out of service. 

My Own Thoughts
Not much to say about this episode, but there wasn't any reasoning for Duck getting stuck on the hill, what made him stop?

Episode Title: Dunkin Duncan
Writer(s): Jenny McDade
The engines had a important job at the incline railway, they were helping Duncan. Duncan was bossy and impatient to get back to the junction. Latter he was bragging about how fast he could work, but then he got pulled up the incline, then the coupling couldn't hold the weight, and he plunged in to a mud pool. Sir Top Ham Hatt came and told him he would work at the incline until he learned to be patient.

My Own Thoughts
This episode was really funny, but for once the accident wasn't the trucks fault. It was funny that the mud pond had a no fishing sign, because there wouldn't be any fish there anyway.

Next Review: Season 17 Episode Reviews

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Third Season 17 DVD Titled The Thomas Way

This front cover looks really good, it seems like there is a new design crew for the DVDs. The episodes for the DVD are: The Switch, Percy's Lucky Day, Calm Down, Catlian, The Lost Puff and The Thomas Way.

The Desecription Reads:

Join Thomas and Friends for five all-new, exciting adventures! When Harold breaks down, Thomas and Duck are asked to take him for repairs but Thomas has something more fun in mind which only leads to trouble.

Luke and Millie switch jobs for a day and quickly learn how much they truly like their own work. Percy is having a bad day and feeling very unlucky but when a friend gives him a lucky charm, he thinks things might turn around.

Caitlin is sexcited to spend the night on Sodor that she doesn't let the engines get any rest so they find jobs to keep her busy through the night without realizing that she doesn't know much about how things are done on the island.

When playful Paxton convinces Thomas to be silly and drive over some bumpy tracks, he doesn't realize that his actions will make Thomas 'lose his puff' and he scrambles across the island in an attempt to help his friend.

The Thomas Way Hits US DVD Shelves on December 3rd, 2013

Thanks to Roll Along Thomas for the alert

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Chuggington Review - Chug Patrol: Ready to Rescue

I know, it isn't Thomas related, but this is Chuggingtions' first special and I thought I would do a review on it.  

Release Date: August 20th, 2013

Brewster, Wilson and Koko are moving up to advanced training. Wilson works for the Chuggington rescue emergency rescue squad with Chief Jackman, Brewster gets to fix tracks with the Chuggineers and Koko gets to practice her speed with Zippy. Through out the whole episode Wilson, Brewster and Koko do training exercises and help each other out along the way.

New Characters


The head Chief of the Chuggington Rescue Emergency Squad. 


Kokos speed test trainer

The Chuggineers

Brewsters' trainers who do repair tracks and other jobs that require strength. 

My Own Thoughts
I thought there was way to much rock music in this "movie", but other than that the animation was good and the bright colors were a nice touch. The decorations on the engine's side were a bit strange though.  It seemed like the Chuggineers were ripped off of each other, meaning they weren't all original characters. Over all the movie was very good.

Next Review: Disney Planes

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Episode Review: Percy's Chocolate Crunch

Season 6, Episode 18
Air Date: September 20th, 2002
Writer(s): Brain Trueman
Narrator: Alec Baldwin

The engines on Sodor liked being clean, but Percy needed wash downs because he had dirty jobs. At the wash down Sir Top Ham Hatt announced that there was a water shortage, and that each engines could only have one wash down a day. Percy argued that he needed wash downs. 

After that Percy went to shunt some trucks at Bremdocks, but when he went to fill them up, the trucks pulled him in front of the coal hopper covering Percy in coal. When he arrived at Callan station Harold was there unloading medical supplies, then he took off blowing cinders and ashes all over Percy.

Percy noticed some sugar cars at Callan station, his driver said they could take them to the chocolate factory, Percy was pleased to have a clean job, but Percy didn't know that earlier a car leaked some oil on the tracks, Percy's driver tried to apply the brakes, but he kept slipping, the he crashed through the chocolate factory, and came out covered in chocolate. 

Back at the sheds, the engines teased Percy that he looked good enough to eat, then Sir Top Ham Hatt showed up and said he could have a wash down and a new coat of paint.

My Own Thoughts
Why was there a water shortage on Sodor? There right next to water, there on an Island. The ending was funny, and there isn't much else to say about this episode.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Episode Review: Gordon Takes a Tumble

Season 6, Episode 17
Air Date: September 16th, 2002
Writer(s): Robin Kingsland
Narrator: Alec Baldwin

Gordon was telling Salty about how it wasn't dignified for him to pull freight cars. That night Sir Top Ham Hatt sent Thomas, Percy, Henry and Gordon to take freight cars from the docks. Latter after Gordon left the signal man didn't know that he left the switch pointing to the branch line, but when he realized it was to late.

There were signs that said "Go Slow", but Gordon didn't listen to them. He soon slid off the rails and rolled across a field and stopped in front of a scarecrow. Sir Top Ham Hatt came, he was up happy with Gordon. When Gordon was fixed up he was back working at the dock. Thomas told Gordon that everyone makes mistakes, and Gordon said he was to big for his buffers.

My Own Thoughts
It was funny that Gordon stopped in front of the scarecrow for no good reason, but it was odd that Sir Top Ham Hatt never told Gordon were to take the cars.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Episode Review: Jack Frost

Season 6, Episode 16
Air Date: Sepember 13th, 2002
Writer(s): Paul Larson
Narrator: Alec Baldwin

It was winter on the Island of Sodor. Sir Top Ham Hatt told James and Percy to take coal to the stations because there was going to be a big freeze. Thomas teased James and Percy about Jack Frost, James didn't beleave it, but Percy was a little scared.

When Percy finished he gave the last station his coal because they needed more, so Percy's driver and fireman parked him in a siding and they went home. Soon Percy froze up with icicles all over him, and when James was going home, he thought Percy was Jack Frost.

The next morning Elizabeth brought Percy more coal, and soon his icicle mask melted away, and he was warm again. Back at the sheds James joked that he saw Jack Frost last night, and they all whistled.

My Own Thoughts
I really liked this episode, I used to have the wooden railway Jack Frost Percy, but I got rid of it because of the strange Chinese rubber material. The background music in this episode was good, but the engines should have laughed at the end instead of whistling.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Episode Review: James & the Red Balloon

Season 6, Episode 15
Air Date: September 12th, 2002
Writer(s): Jenny McDade
Narrator: Alec Baldwin

It was summer on the Island of Sodor, it was the busiest time of the year, holiday makers came from all over, so the engines were busy. Latter at the Docks, Thomas had a special, he told Percy it was a balloon, but he wondered what kind. Latter at the air felled, James watched the ballon take off, he was jealous and thought that it would take all there passengers.

Latter all the engines were gazing at the balloon, meanwhile at the level crossing James and Thomas were still worried about passengers, then the balloon ran out of air and landed right in front of James, he blew hot steam that made the balloon go up again.

After at the station James told Sir Top Ham Hatt his problem, Sir Top Ham Hatt said that the passengers would need a ride home anyway. Now when ever James sees the balloon he whistles to it, and at night he dream's he can fly to.

My Own Thoughts
This episode got really popular on the DVD for some reason. I really enjoyed the ending of this episode with the sunset. Over all I really liked the episode.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Episode Review: Middle Engine

Season 6, Episode 14
Air Date: September 10th, 2002
Writer(s): Brian Trueman
Narrator: Alec Baldwin

Percy had to take cars from the yard to the coaling plant, but Arry and Bert kept playing middle engine tricks on him, he didn't like being a middle engines because he had to go slower. When he arrived at the coaling plant the trucks were unloaded one by one, the Percys' driver and fireman left, Henry backed up pushing Percy on to the loading ramp, Percy was lifted up and tipped out.

That night Sir Top Ham Hatt was cross with Percy, but he didn't know it was Henry's fault. James was boasting about handling the diesels, so Sir Top Ham Hatt sent James to do his work at the smelters. James tried to sound important to Arry and Bert, but they tricked him anyway.

James wouldn't move, so Percy had to take James and the cars to the docks. Once there, the workmen wondered who the red engine was in the middle, James tried to hide using steam, but everyone knew it was him.

My Own Thoughts
This episode was funny because James could have backed away from the cars that Arry buffered up to him, but instead he didn't move. It was also strange that Sir Top Ham Hatt didn't let Percy tell him that Henry bumped him on the loading ramp.