Season 17, Episode 24
Air Date: Air Date Unknown, Seen on Santa's Little Engine DVD
Writer(s): Laura Beaumont
Narrator: Mark Moraghan
One evening the engines return to Tidmouth sheds and discover that the turntable is frozen shut, so there is only one shed. All the engines agreed that Percy should get the shed because he has to deliver the mail train.
All the other engines find different place's to sleep on Sodor, but Gordon didn't like and of them so he slept at Tidmouth sheds, but when Percy got back he had to go all the way to Whiffs' waste dump because that was the on;y spare shed left.
In the morning Gordon didn't get get any sleep anyway because of the workmen working on the turntable, and Gordon was stuck in the shed the whole day because the turntable had jammed in a different place after working for a few seconds.
Latter Sir Top Ham Hatt was very cross with Gordon for not sleeping some were else. James had to take the express, and Gordon realized that sleeping in Tidmouth sheds wasn't such a good idea after all.
My Own Thoughts
This episode hasn't aired in the UK yet, but a You Tube user has uploaded it from the Santa's Little Engine DVD that just came out a few day's ago. This episode was good, and it was nice to see so many places on Sodor in one episode, but it was hard to see in the night time animation.
This review was made on October 17th, 2013, but wasn't published until the episode aired on T.V. in the UK.