Monday, 15 September 2014

Episode Review: Season 18, Episode 16 - Toad's Bright Idea

 Air Date: September 15th, 2014(UK)
Written By: Davey Moore

Gator was at the docks waiting for his boat to arrive. He told Salty that he wanted to be useful instead of waiting around. That night Gator was still waiting at the docks when the dock manager told him to bring Olivers trucks to the docks because he broke down.

Right before Gator got to Oliver his lamp went out, so his driver fixed it. Then Gator took Olivers truck's. Then after a few minutes Gators lamp went out again on the way to the docks. Gator stopped by a junction to fix his lamp again, then Gator said hello to James and he ran away scared of Gator because it was night time.

Then soon after Gators light went out again. Toad started to make Gator cross after stopping him to fix his lamp every time it went out, so Gator left Toad behind on the line. But soon after Gator went back to get him because he ran in to some gravel. Since Gators lamp wasn't working Toad said he had to lamp's, so he gave one to Gator. Then they made it to the docks just in time.

This episode was great, and it was nice that the dock manager talked, and that Toad had another roll in an episode. Why did it take Gator until morning to get some trucks to the docks? And what happened to Olive? Did he just stay on the line the whole night? Other than that the episode was an overall great story.

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