Friday, 31 May 2013

Episode Review: Gallant Old Engine

Season 4, Episode 14
Writer(s): Reverend W. Awdry
Air Date: February 2end, 1996

Duncan was complaining about everything. Skarloey told him the story about Rheneas. Before Rheneas got there, Skarloey was running the railway himself, but one day after Rheneas got there, it was a stormy day and he wasn't felling well. On his way home his gear valve jammed, but he still struggled to the station, all the passengers cheered. After the story, Duncan thought that passengers were more important. The next day Rheneas came home from being repaired, all the engines were waiting. Then Edward came with Rheneas on a flatbed, once he was unloaded all the engines blew there whistles. 

I enjoyed this episode, but I never saw it before. I like the old episodes where the engines tell story's. It was nice to see most of the engines at the end. It was strange that Rheneas had to go away twice.

Over all I give this episode a 2/10

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Episode Review: Passengers and Polish

Season 4, Episode 13
Writer(s): Reverend W. Awdry
Air Date: January 30, 1996

Nancy, the station master's daughter was polishing Skarloey, who was sleeping, and didn't care, until she reminded him about looking good when Rheneas came back from being repaired. Duncan came by and asked for a polish, Nancy told him that she had to go help the refreshment lady. Duncan got cross, latter Skarloey's coach derailed and Duncan had to go rescue it. On the way home they had to stop by the lake because Duncan was low on steam. Next he decided to stop right in the middle of the bridge. The driver couldn't make him budge, so Skarloey had to come and push Duncan and the train all the way to the station. When they arrived all the passengers were arguing about how it was a bad railway. That night at the shed Sir Top Ham Hatt told Duncan that no passengers means no polish.

An engine is just a machine, it can't stop it self on a bridge or anywhere else with out the driver putting the brake on, oh well, I guess they have special powers on Sodor. They never mentioned that Rheneas had to go to the works in any past episodes, but over all it was funny.

Over all I give this episode a 5/10

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Episode Review: Steam Roller

Season 4, Episode 12
Air Date: January 14, 1996
Writer(s): Reverend W. Awdry

The engines were teasing Sir Handle about his steam roller wheels. Skarloey told Sir Handle that he was just the engine to tackle George. Latter that day, Sir Handle was at the level crossing, George was there, he told Sir Handle that he heard of him, rudely. The next day Sir Handle saw George on the road. There wasn't much room between Sir Handle and George because the workman were fixing the road. George got mad and bumped Sir Handle's freight car crushing it. Everyone started arguing about who to blame, they stopped when a Police man came by wondering what was going on. The next day they put up a fence between the road and the rail. Skarloey realised that he had a bad idea, but some boys came along and told him all about how he tackled George, Sir Handle never spoke of steamroller's after that.

This episode was funny, George's face looks like Diesel 10's face with a different shape. George having a plot in Thomas & the Magic Railroad would have made the movie better. Over all I thought the episode was funny, with the Police man and George.

Over all I give this episode a 2/10

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Weekend Special: Calling All Engines Overview

Calling All Engines Overview
Air Date: September 6, 2005
Writer(s): Paul Larson

The engines were busy showing the summer vacationers around Sodor, the next morning Sir Top Ham Hatt announced that a new Air Port was to be built. After a song plays about how the engines are busy, Thomas and Percy arrive at the new Air Port building site with some bricks. Arry and Bert came with more material, but they bumped Thomas and Percy and called them stinky steamies.

Thomas went to get some wood for the Air Port, but Arry and Bert were all ready there, they were getting timber for there special job. Diesel had to get some supplies, Thomas was going to play another trick on him. He shunted banana's in stead of bricks. Next Thomas and Percy went to the smelters yard to get some steal garters, but Diesel 10 was there working, Thomas and Percy got scared, so they decided to go back latter.

That evening on the way home, Thomas and Percy were surprised to see that the bridge hadn't been painted, the Air Port was only half done, and there sheds were knocked down. Sir Top Ham Hatt informed Thomas that banana's were not good for building. That night the other engines had to sleep in different places, James had to sleep at the coaling plant, Edward at the quarry, Percy and Henry had to stay at the smelters yard, Gordon stayed under a tent, but only Toby stayed in his own shed.

Thomas had to sleep with Emily, that night there was a big wind storm, it knocked down the Sodor suspension bridge. The next morning Thomas was very surprised by the damage. Sir Top Ham Hatt told the engines they would have to work really hard. The steam and diesel engines didn't talk to each other for a while. Latter Thomas came across Diesel 10 again, he was frightened, so he puffed quickly away. That night Thomas had to sleep with Emily again, he told her about his days work and Diesel 10. The next morning Thomas had to get two parts for the Sodor Suspension bridge.

Then he lowered them on after Harvey unloaded them. After that Thomas had to collect some paint, but Diesel wanted to get back at him, so he biffed the paint all over Thomas. That night the engines had bad dreams, but Thomas had a good dream about working together, the next morning he went to find Mavis, he told her all about his plan for a meeting. Thomas and Mavis told all the engines about the meeting, it took the whole day.

That evening Thomas was to tired to go back to Emily's shed, so he slept outside. The next morning all the engines went to the coaling plant for the meeting, Thomas puffed back there as well. The coal plant manager wondered why all the engines were there, he called Sir Top Ham Hatt. After the meeting Thomas explained to Sir Top Ham Hatt about how they needed  to work together.

Soon the Air Port was complete the engines thought it looked great. Thomas was shunting some trucks, but he bumped the control tower, the runway cracked. The workmen repaired it, but they needed George the steamroller.

Thomas couldn't get through because the line was blocked, so he went to get help from Diesel 10, soon they were clearing the line, and all the other engines joined in. After, Thomas raced off to get George. Thomas got back, they unloaded George and he fixed the runway. Then the air plane landed. That night the engines discovered that there shed had been re-built, with a extra space for Emily. All the engines agreed that Tidmouth sheds was the best place to be.

Characters Seen In Film
Speaking: Thomas, Edward, Percy, Gordon, James, Emily, Lady, Diesel 10, Diesel, Arry and Bert, Mavis, Harold and Sir Top Ham Hatt.

Cameos: Toby, Harvy, Daisy, Salty, Rusty, Annie and Clarabel, George, Farmer McColl, Henrietta, Butch, Cranky, Stephen Hatt, Bridget Hatt, Jem Cole.

My Own Thoughts
A lot of Thomas fan's didn't like the fact that Diesel 10 was nice, I think Hit Entertainment put him in so that all the diesel's could help. It was nice to see Daisy, but it would have been nice to see Boco in the movie to. The songs in these newer movie's is a nice touch, but I don't like the clips with the blue border. 

Friday, 24 May 2013

Four new Season 17 Episodes Revealed

Four new Season 17 episodes have been revealed by digiguide, but before they air, Steamie Stafford will air on June 10th at 7:35a.m. All the episodes air on Milkshake!

Henry's Hero
Henry and Hiro take on some of the bad coal and start puffing black smoke. Will Hiro be able to deliver there loads when Henry goes back to the shed?
Airs on Tuesday June 11th at 7:35am.

Luke's New Friend
Up at the Blue Mountain Quarry, Luke finds a scared young deer, so he tries to get the other engines to work quietly. But that is not an easy thing to do.
Airs on Wednesday June 12th at 7:35am.

The Switch
When Luke is sent to Ulfsead Castle to deliver stone, he meets Millie, the Earl's private narrow gauge engine. They decide to switch jobs.
Airs on Thursday June 13th  at 7:35am.

Not Now, Charlie
Charlie is a small purple engine who likes to tell jokes. One day Charlie discovers an elephant on the line and tries to alert the other engines.
Airs on Friday June 14th at 7:35am.

These new episodes sound cool, there will be more post's in June when I find the episodes on You Tube. The blog side bar will be updated with a list of season 17 episodes.

Thanks to Roll Along Thomas for the alert

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Episode Review: Special Funnel

Season 4, Episode 11
Air Date: January 9, 1996
Writer(s): Reverend W. Awdry

It was winter on the Island of Sodor, and Peter Sam was starting work again after braking his funnel. His funnel wiggles as he puffed down the line. Rusty was busy clearing trees and branches so that the water could flow in the stream below the bridge's. One day a storm swept a bridge down, Rusty went to help fix it, it took longer than expected. Peter Sam carefully puffed over the mended line. He came to a tunnel, his driver couldn't see through it, but he was headed for trouble, his funnel hit an icicle, and came off. His driver tied an old drain pipe to him for a funnel. When he got back to the shed the other engines laughed at him. Soon Sir Top Ham Hatt came with his new funnel, Peter Sam thought it was squashed, but Sir Top Ham Hatt told him that it was a special funnel. After it was fitted, Peter Sam enjoyed his new funnel, the other engines were jealous, and wanted one to.
It's was nice to see a different season on the Island of Sodor, in all the new Sharon Miller episodes, the season is mostly summer or fall. When they tied the drain pipe to Peter Sam they did not tie it to the back, so what held it on? Over all, I thought the episode was very funny.

Over all I give this episode a 3/10

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Episode Review: Rock n' Roll

Season 4, Episode 10
Air Date: October 14, 1996
Writer(s): Reverend W. Awdry 

Skarloey was enjoying his new narrow gauge line on Sir Top Ham Hatt's railway. On his way to the next station he meat Rusty. Rusty told him about Duncan. When they got to the station they warned Duncan that there was a bad bit of rail, but Duncan was rude and left. Duncan got to the station, James was there, Duncan told James all about Rusty, James told Duncan about a nasty diesel in there yard, and how they sent him packing. Soon Duncan came to the bumpy track he came off right at the bend. Skarloey told Rusty the news, Rusty went to help the passengers. The passengers, driver, and the fireman got out and pushed Duncan on to the line. For the rest of the day Duncan was more careful. That evening he said sorry to Rusty and asked if they could be friends.

This episode was funny, I enjoyed the back ground music just before the end of the episode. Duncan being nice to someone is a first. If Rusty was going to get the passengers then why did they help get Duncan back on the rails? I thought this image from the TTTW Wikia is to big, but there aren't anymore that are big.

Over all I give this episode a 2/10

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Episode Review: Home At Last

I forgot the Weekend Special, next weekend I will make the Calling All Engines Overview

Season 4, Episode 9
Air Date: October 10, 1996
Writer(s): Reverend W. Awdry

Skaroley just home from being repaired, Peter Sam was till in the shed with his broken funnel. Skarloey went to see Peter Sam and tell him all the news, he told him about Duncan. Then Skarloey's driver came and they went to rescue Duncan because he got stuck in a tunnel. When they go there Duncan was stuck in the far end of the tunnel. Workmen cleared the rubble and it was soon safe to push the coaches through. Duncan was quiet the whole way home. Sir Top Ham Hatt came to see Duncan at the shed, he told him that tunnels were not dance floors, and that his career was on the line.

This episode was funny, I liked the ending part with Sir Top Ham Hatt getting mad at Duncan. Why did Peter Sam have to stay in the shed? He could have just got his funnel fixed, oh well, they needed to make a story out of it.

Over all I give this episode a 5/10

Friday, 17 May 2013

New Season 17 Episode Title Revealed

The first five episodes of season 16 are airing in the UK starting Tuesday June 4th with Scruff's Makeover. The rest of the episodes from Railway Mischief air the flowing days, and then there is a new episode titled Calm Down Catlin. The episode description reads:

When the Vicarstown Bridge is closed for repairs Catlin, a big passenger train from the main land has to spend the night on Sodor. 

This episode airs on June 7th 2013. The Thomas fan's seem to upload these episodes on You Tube after they air so there will be another post when it and the other new episodes are found.

The episodes also air on the 5 +1 channel in the UK at 8:35a.m. They air on Milkshake! at 7:35a.m.

Catlin seems like Spencer to me, maybe that's why his Porto type was like Spencer in the dealers catalogue that  Jlouvier showed on You Tube.

Thanks to Roll Along Thomas for the alert

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Season 17 Episode Review: Wayword Winston

Season 17, Episode 3
Air Date: June 5, 2013(UK)
Writer(s): Lee Pressman

Thomas was taking Sir Topham Hatt to the Ulfstead Castle, the tracks were bumpy up a head, Thomas stoped, and Sir Top Ham hatt said that he would have the tracks repaired right away. Everyday, Sir Topham Hatt took Winston, his track inspection car, to inspect the progress on the line repair. Sir topham hatt still wasn't used to driving Winston. Every time Sir Topham Hatt stooped Winston, he had to remind him to put his brake on. The engines started teasing him, and this made Winston upset, Percy asked him what was wrong, he told Percy all about how Sir Topham Hatt couldn't drive him right. Winston had an idea, when Sir Topham Hatt heft his brake off, he rolled away, then Thomas and Sir Topham Hatt chased him down, until he ran out of gas in front of a coach in the yard. Winston told Sir Topham Hatt that it was his fault that he ran away because he forgot to put his brake on. Sir Topham Hatt promised to be more careful driving Winston.

My Own Thoughts
This episode reminds me of Percy Runs A Way and Thomas & The Hot Air Balloon. Andew Brenner seems to be rewriting the old story's and at the same time making new plots for Hits character's.

Episode Review: Rusty Helps Peter Sam

Season 4, Episode 8
Air Date: October 7, 1996
Writer(s): Reverend W.Awdry

Sir Handle was grumpy again, Gordon came by and said that if he pretended to be ill he wouldn't have to work. The next day he told Peter Sam he was ill, so Peter Sam took some of his trucks and Rusty took the rest. latter Peter Sam was at the incline, the trucks thought it was a good time to make some trouble, but the empty trucks tried to ward the full one's that it wasn't Peter Sam. The trucks crashed in to Peter Sam and a pipe crashed and water pored all over him. Rusty helped out Peter Sam and took him back to the shed. Sir Top Ham Hatt was there, he told Sir Handle that he would do Peter Sams' work as well as his own. Meanwhile Rusty was on his way home, Harold was there finishing up his evening check, Rusty told him to keep up the good work.

This episode was funny because it's the first time that the trucks wanted to stop trouble. I like the old narrow gauge trucks, there better that the new CGI ones. The part with Harold was strange because it was like it's own story. 

Over all I give this episode a 2/10

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Episode Review: Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady

Season 4, Episode 7
Air Date: October 6, 1996
Writer(s): Reverend W. Awdry

Sir Top Ham Hatt had put Sir Handle in the shed for being rude, so Peter Sam was left in  charge of the line. Sir Handle was lonely in the shed. Skarloey was there, Peter Sam puffed up, Skarloey warned him to be careful, but he didn't listen. Latter Peter Sam was at the station, Henry was there, he told Peter Sam that if he was late again he might leave with out him. Now Peter Sam was worried, next they went to the refreshment Lady's stand where the driver and fireman got cake and tea. Then the passengers bordered, but Peter Sam started with out the Refreshment Lady. When they got to the station the Refreshment Lady asked Peter Sam why he left with out her, Peter Sam said that Henry might leave with out them. The refreshment Lay laughed and said he was joking. Peter Sam wondered where Henry was, he sneaked away.

I didn't really like this episode. The Thomas & Friends Review Station blog pointed out that Henry has Gordon's face at the station. They never said that Sir Handle was being put in the shed in A bad Day for Sir Handle. I think this episode is also on the DVD Sing Along and Story's Over all I didn't really like the episode, but it was a little funny at the end.

Over all I give this episode a 2/10

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Second Season 17 DVD titled Spills and Thrills and New Book

There will be a second post when the cover, description and release date is found

According to a new Thomas & Friends book titled The Rocket Returns, there is a new season 17 DVD coming called Spills and Thrills. It's strange because the name had all ready been used on a classic DVD, they just changed one word. There is no picture available on Amazon or anywhere else yet.

The Rocket Returns description reads: Thomas the Tank Engine's new friend Stephen used to be known as The Rocket! With Thomas' help, he will again. Little boys age 4 to 6 who love trains will dive in to this step into Reading adventure based on an episode from the newest Thomas & Friends DVD release, Spills and Thrills!

There is no release date for the new DVD yet, but the book comes out January 7th, 2014.

Thanks to Roll Along Thomas and Steam Team for the alert

Monday, 13 May 2013

New Updates on the TWRC Official Wikia

The Thomas Wooden Railway Community's Wikia has been updated with articles about the members, and has a new green color scheme, along with a logo on the top left.

The Wikia has nine pages, and lots of pictures are posted from different members. There is other content including pages, blogs, videos, and a chat section for members that make lots of edits. 

The Wikia was hacked by someone at one point, but most of the articles are back to normal now. ThomasWoodenRailway recently made a You Tube video promoting the Wikia, you can watch it below.

Check out the TWRC Wikia here:  It' updated daily!

Episode Review: A Bad Day for Sir Handle

Season 4, Episode 6
Air Date: September 30, 1996
Writer(s): Reverend W. Awdry

Sir Handle and Peter Sam were going to the new railway to work with Skarloey and Rahneas, but Sir Handle was in a bad mood, he didn't like the look of the new shed. Peter Sam whispered to Skarloey, and told him that Sir Handle was really a nice engine, Skarloey felt bad for Peter Sam. Sir Handles' driver told him that he would take the passengers first, he told his driver that Peter Sam would enjoy it more, but his driver didn't listen. When Sir Handle got to the station, he shocked Gordon with his knowledge about coaches. After they drooped off the passengers, his driver told him they had to get some trucks, Sir Handle didn't want to, so he knocked him self off the track. When they got him off, Sir Top Ham Hatt said he would talk to him latter. When Sir Handle got home Sir Top Ham Hatt was waiting for him, he told him to be a better engine the next time he came out of his shed.

Why were Skarloey and Rhaneas on the other narrow gage railway with Stewart and Falcon, before they even got there? Ether Hit Entertainment made a error, or they mixed up the episodes. I thought the part where Sir Handle shocked Gordon was funny.

Over all I give this episode a 2/10

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Episode Review: Four Little Engines

Season 4, Episode 5
Air Date: September 25, 1994
Writer(s): Reverend W. Awdry
Narrator: George Carlin
Director(s): David Mitton
Producer(s): Brill Allcroft, David Mitton

Peter Sam and Sir Handle were happily working on the new railway, there were two new engines, there names were Skarloey and Rheneas. Skarloey was getting old, Edward came by the shed where he was resting, Edward soon cheered him up, then he went to the works to be mended. Sir Handle was having trouble with the coaches, they were rude and bumped him. Sir Handle went back to the shed and Skarloey took the train. He told the coaches that they could have hurt there passengers, they said they were sorry, and Skaroley was on his way. Skarloey went down the hill and broke a spring, he was determined to get to the station. Once there, James left and the driver told him that he would be repaired, Skarloey was very happy.

This is another episode I never saw. Skaroley and Rheneas made a cameo in the last episode, but it wasn't Sir Top Ham Hatts' railway they were on. It's kind of odd that Skarloey and Rheneas didn't have cameos in earlier episodes, because they say that they are old engines. According to the TTTE Wikia, there are nine "goofs" in this episode. I have trouble noticing all of these.

Over all I give this episode a 1/10

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Weekend Special: Thomas & The Magic Railroad Overview

Thomas & The Magic Railroad Overview
Air Date: July 26, 2000
Writer(s): Britt Allcroft

This is my newest series of posts, the Weekend Special, which will be Reverend W. Awdry history, Thomas Movie Overviews, and many more surprises in the coming weeks. I chose red as the color scheme for these posts, so you guys know when it's a Weekend Special. Thanks to the TTTE Wikia for the pictures.

Sir Top Ham Hatt was taking a much needed holiday, but Diesel 10 came back right after he went away. Mr. Conductor came to look after the railway while Sir Top Ham Hatt was gone, but there was another problem, Mr. Conductor was running out of gold dust. Meanwhile, Burnett Stone was still trying to get Lady, the magical engine to start, and he was remembering the mistake he had made, when Diesel 10 chased her. Once Mr. Conductor got to the railway, he read a letter from Sir Top Ham Hatt in his office, then Sir Top Ham Hatt called, and told him to be really useful, and asked how everything was going.

That night, Mr. Conductor was having hot chocolate at Tidmouth sheds, Diesel 10 came by and started tearing down the shed. Mr. Conductor soon put a stop to it by threatening  Diesel 10 that he would pour sugar in his boiler, he soon left. That night Mr. Conductor had a nightmare about running out of gold dust. The next day, Mr. Conductor was at Tidmouth sheds itching James' nose for him, after he left, Diesel 10 came by, giving James and Thomas a big fright. Splatter and Doge were in the other shed listing, Harold came by and sprayed dust all over Splatter and Doge. Lilly was on her way to see her grand father, Burnett Stone at Muffle Mountain. Meanwhile, Mr. Conductor was calling his brother, who was on holiday at the beach, trying to get him to come to the Island of Sodor so he could get more gold dust. Lilly got on the wrong train, and arrived at Shing Time station. Stacy took her to Burnett Stone in Muffle Mountain.

At Knapford station, Percy had an idea about the magic buffers, and Diesel 10 over heard the whole thing. Latter that night, Toby over heard Splatter, Doge and Diesel 10 talking, he rang his bell loudly, Diesel 10 knocked over the shed on top of them, they were stuck for a while.

The next day, Henry had boiler ache, Thomas shunted a line of six coal cars for him, but one disappeared in to the magic buffers. Thomas suggest that Percy guard the buffers while he went  to find Mr. Conductor. Meanwhile, Mr. Conductor was at the viaduct, Diesel 10 threatened to dump him in the river, Diesel 10 through him to the windmill, then Mr. Conductor found part of the secret to finding more gold dust. At Muffle Mountain, Lilly meats Patch, and he takes her back to Shining time station. Once there, Lilly sees C. Junior again, and he takes her to the Island of Sodor for a visit. Once there, Lilly meets Thomas and Mr. Conductor at the windmill.

Sir Top Ham Hatt called to see how things were, while Mr. Conductor was talking, C. Junior went flying off the windmill on to Diesel 10. That night, Lilly and Mr. Conductor were playing cards by the fire, Lilly was worried, because she told her grandpa that she would be back by sunset. After, Percy was guarding the magic buffers, Splatter and Doge were all ready there talking about them, Percy got nervous and left. Grandpa Stone and Patch were worried about Lilly. Percy finds Thomas and Mr. Conductor, and tells them that Splatter and Doge know about the magic buffers.

 Mr. Conductor told Thomas to take Lilly home through the magic buffers, Thomas got worried about what would happen when he was inside. Soon, Thomas was going through the buffers, Lilly collected magic sparkles from the rails, then they arrived on the top of the mountain. Thomas fell down in to the field back in to Sodor, and left his coal truck behind on the mountain.

 C. Junior was in great danger with Diesel 10 at the smelters yard, he had to use up the rest of his Gold Dust to get him and James back to the windmill. meanwhile, Lilly told patch that there was special coal on the mountain from the Island of Sodor that would make Lady start, the coal worked, and they all went through the magic buffers to the Island of Sodor. Once there, they meat Mr. Conductor, C. Junior and Thomas. Diesel 10 spots Lady, and starts chasing her, Burnett Stone boarded Lady, and darted away, Diesel 10 was close behind.

When they got to the Viaduct, it was braking, Thomas and lady got across, but Diesel 10 was to heavy, he fell in to the barge. Back at the windmill, Lilly and C. Junior found a way to make gold dust, then Mr. Conductor and C. Junior happily filled there gold dust whistles. After, C. Junior gave Lilly some gold dust like he promised, and Sir Top Ham Hatt got back, so Mr. Conductor returned to Shining Time station where he lived happily ever after, the end. 

Characters Seen In Film
Thomas, Diesel 10, Splatter and Doge, Lady, Percy, Toby, James, Gordon, Henry, Bertie, Harold, Annie and Clarabel, Mr. Conductor, C. Junior, Burnett Stone, Lilly, Patch, Stacy Jones and Billy Two-Feathers. 

My Own Thoughts
This was a really hard plot to write because the story jumps all over the place. It would be nice if Hit Entertainment published a DVD version with P.T. Boomer in it, there is only 2 You Tube videos that have his clip and there bad quality. I made the plot with out watching the movie again, there might be some error's in it, but other that that it's pretty accurate. According to the TTTE Wikia, George the steam roller and Cranky the crane were going to have rolls in the film. Cranky was going to have a cameo drooping a load on Splatter and Doge, that would have been funny. I don't know why the Thomas fan base doesn't like this movie, because I thought it was funny. 

Friday, 10 May 2013

Episode Review: You Can't Win

Season 4, Episode 4
Air Date: September 12, 1996
Writer(s): Reverend W. Awdry

Duke was working on the new narrow gauge railway, he was getting old, and Stewart and Falcon started teasing him. Stewart said "it would be the day" when he had to help Duke with his passengers, but Duke soon forgot and enjoyed the rest of the evening. The next day Duke broke down, Stewart and Falcon came to help get the passengers to there boat. Stewart wouldn't stop joking about how Duke was a poor old engine. Dukes' driver had a plan to get back a Stewart, when they got to the top of the mountain, Duke pushed the train with all his might until they got to the station. There was a boy on the plat from, he wondered why there were two engines, the driver explained that Falcon broke down, and Duke had to push him. Falcon disappeared in a cloud of steam. Duke told him that he couldn't win.

They should have had Thomas tell the story at Tidmouth sheds like they did with Bulldog and Sleeping Beauty. Another error, is that they never tell you if it's the new narrow gage line, or the old one. I thought the sad song for Duke was funny, it was an out of tune narrow gauge theme. I'm not so sure what Mr. Conductor's Thomas Tales is, it must be a really old series, because I've never heard of it.

Over all I give this episode a 7/10

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Episode Review: Bulldog

Season 4, Episode 3
Air Date: September 12, 1996
Writer(s): Reverend W. Awdry

The engines were at Tidmouth sheds, it was early in the morning and Percy wanted all the engines to see his new coat of paint. Thomas had an idea, he told the engines the story about Duke and Falcon. The three engines were now on the new narrow gauge railway, the manager came to talk to Falcon. He said that he would get a new coat of paint, and then try to learn the mountain part of the line. Duke came the next day to help, Falcon thought he was a fuss pot. When they got to the tunnel everything seemed fine, but Falcon just about fell off the rails. Duke held on with all his might, but then he ran out of water. All the passengers ran to a nearby cottage and filled pails of water in to Duke's boiler. After his thirst was quenched, he pulled Falcon to safety. After, the manager apologised for the accident. Falcon wondered why Duke was nice to him after he was rude. Well, Duke said, you wouldn't want to spoil your new coat of paint.

This episode was OK. I don't know if the version I was on You Tube didn't have the ending part or not, but they never showed the engines at the sheds after Thomas told the story. For some reason, Duke doesn't have any buffers. This episode is featured on the DVD Sing Along & Story's. There are load's of goofs for this episode on the TTTE Wikia. 

Over all I give this episode a 3/10

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Episode Review: Sleeping Beutiy

Season 4, Episode 2
Air Date: September 20, 1994
Writer(s): Reverend W. Awdry

The engines just finished up a days work, and were at Tidmouth sheds. Percy suggested that Thomas finished telling the story of Duke. Thomas started off with the ending of where they were last, and then told them how visitors came to visit Sir Top Ham Hatt, and wanted to rescue Duke and make him happy again. They searched everywhere in the mountains, until they fell in the roof of Dukes shed. Duke woke up with a start and informed the visitor that his driver told him that people who broke in roofs were bad. They told Duke that he would be happy with Stewart and Falcon. Then they loaded Duke on a flat bed, and they went to the new narrow gage railway. Duke went to sleep happily in his new shed. All the engines thought that was a great ending to the story, and they all fell asleep.

I really liked this episode, and I don't remember seeing the beginning of this one. I also enjoyed the background music. I'm not sure if it's an engine's theme or just a narrow gage   song, maybe someone can tell me in the comments. It's nice when episodes join up like this. There were some scene's in this episode from the last one.

Over all I give this episode a 9/10

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Thomas & Friends Pulled From Netflix

As of May 1, 2013, 2,000 Thomas & Friends titles were pulled from Netflix, according to the Steamies Vs. Diesels blog. I think it has to do with Thomas & Friends selling out to Mattel. It's strange though, because lot's of people use Netflix. The full list of DVDs pulled from Netflix is listed below.

10 Years of Thomas, A Big Day for Thomas, Best of Gordon, Best of Percy, Best of James, Best of Thomas, Carnival Capers, Cranky Bugs, Hero of The Rails, Hooray for Thomas, James Goes Buzz, Buzz, James Learns a Lesson, Make Someone Happy, Milkshake Muddle, Mud Glorious Mud, On Site With Thomas, Percy and the Dragon, Percy Saves the Day, Percy's Chocolate Crunch, Percy's Ghostly Trick, Races, Rescues & Runaways, Railway Friends, Salty's Secret, Sing-Along & Stories, Spills and Chills, Steamies Vs. Diesels, Tales From the Tracks, The Great Discovery, The Special Letter, Thomas & His Friends Get Along, Thomas & His Friends Help Out, Thomas & The Runaway Kite, Thomas & The Toy Workshop, Thomas & The Jet Engine, Thomas & The Really Brave Engines, Thomas Comes to Breakfast, Thomas Get;s Bumped, Thomas' Snowy Surprise, Thomas' Sodor Celebration, Trust Thomas and Up, Up and Away.

I don't know where Steamies Vs. Diesels got the list, but some of the DVD titles are missing, and it's all out of oder, it just seems random to me.

Thanks to Steamies Vs. Diesels and Roll Along Thomas for the alert

Episode Review: Grandpuff

Season 4, Episode 1
Air Date: September 10, 1994
Writer(s): Reverend W. Awdry

The engines were all at Tidmouth sheds. They thought it was time to here a story. Thomas told them the story of Duke. He worked on a railway with Stewart(Sir Handle) and Falcon(Peter Sam). Engines came and went, but Duke out stayed them all. One day Stewart and Falcon were at there shed, Duke came and told them the story of Smudger, and how he was turned in to a generator. After that the engines lived happily with Duke until the railway was closed. Peter Sam and Falcon were sold, and Duke was put in a shed. Percy thought that that wasn't a happy ending. Thomas said it would be, another night.

I liked this episode. Smudger seems like Duncan, I don't know if he used to be or not. There is a sequel to this episode called Sleeping Beauty. They used the same song in the time laps section as Henry's Forest. I'm not sure if this is the only episode that Smudger appears in, maybe someone can tell me in the comments. Over all I thought the episode was OK. 

Over all I give this episode a 6/10

Monday, 6 May 2013

Episode Review: Thomas and Percy's Mountain Adventure

Season 3, Episode 26
Air Date: April 21, 1993
Writer(s): Britt Allcroft, Davit Mitton
Director(s): David Mitton
Narrator: George Carlin

Thanksgiving was coming, but an early snow fall came. The engines and workmen were busy moving snow. Thomas and Percy were at the station, there driver and fireman were talking to them. They changed there plan, Percy took the letters to the villager's instead of      Thomas, he was sad because he didn't get to say happy thanksgiving. Soon Percy arrived at the village, there was a man holding a red lantern. He said that the village was cut off by the snow, and that he must leave his mail train in the siding and get help. Percy went to the air field, and Harold brought thanksgiving dinner for everyone. Soon Thomas came by with Terence, They all raced off to the village. Terence plowed the tracks, and all the villagers cheered. The villagers wanted to thank the engines, so they loaded paint pots and decorating supplies in Toby, and went to Tidmouth sheds. In the morning, the engines were surprised to see that there sheds had been repainted and decorated.

I enjoyed this episode. I liked the shot where Thomas is on the bridge with the water fall behind it, when it's snowing out. it's nice to see Terence, you don't see him in the classic episodes much. I'd really like to know where the fan's are getting all these deleted scenes on the TTTE Wikia from.

Over all I give this episode a 10/10

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Episode Review: Percy, James, and the Fruitful Day

Season 3, Episode 25
Air Date: March 21, 1993
Writer(s): Britt Allcroft, David Mitton
Director(s): David Mitton

James was on his way to the docks, he wondered why Percy was so late, he explained that the cars were being troublesome. James boasted about how he was important and left. It was market day, and the docks were filled with fresh fruit's and vegetables. Meanwhile, Percy was getting the cars in good order at the yard, his driver said that James had jammed his brakes, and they need to get the fruit. When they got there, Percy teased James about how he "jammed" his brakes. Percy was going fast, he didn't notice that  the single man diverted them in to a siding, they crashed in to a train, fruit was everywhere, and all over Percy. Sir Top Ham Hatt came, he said"I don't run a jam factory".

This episode was funny. I enjoyed the joke about the"Jam". I wonder what the green liquid was the squirted on Percy's face. The one shot of Thomas, James, Annie and Clarabel is a post card that I owned at one time.

Over all I give this episode a 8/10

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Episode Review: Heroes

Season 3, Episode 24
Air Date: September 10, 1993
Writer(s): Britt Allcroft, David Mitton

Bill and Ben were being troublesome at the quarry, Sir Top Ham Hatt sent them to the yard to shunt cars, and Gordon's express. Bill and Ben thought they knew everything about cars, so they let the cars tell them where to put them. By the evening, the yard was a big mess, because of this, the express didn't leave until very late. The next day Bill and Ben went back to the quarry, they heard a strange sound, it was a rock slide. Soon the alarm went off, everyone boarded in to Bill and Ben's cars, and they got out just in time. The next day Sir Top Ham Hatt came on Edward, he told them that they didn't know how to handle freight cars yet, but they knew what to do in a emergency, so he and the workman gave them three cheers, and said they were hero's.

I never saw this episode eather, and it was funny. I didn't really like Bill and Ben's voices though. For some reason, people don't like season 3, but there are some cool story's in it. This episode is kind of like"Bill, Ben and Fergus". Over all, I enjoyed the episode.

Over all I give this episode a 9/10

Friday, 3 May 2013

Episdoe Review: Escape

Season 3, Episode 21
Air Date: April 12, 1992
Writer(s): Reverend W. Awdry

Edward and Trevor were talking, Donald wondered why, Edward told him it was because  he saved him from scrap, this made Donald shiver. That night, Donald had to take a load of scrap to the other side of the Island where only the diesel's worked. Donald heard a strange voice, he asked who was there. The engine replied, "Are you Sir Top Ham Hatt's engine?". Donald sad yes, and he asked him why he was at the smelters yard, he replied that he was going to be scraped. Donald told the engine(Oliver), that he would save him. before they got out of the yard, the guard stopped them, but let them go by. They soon reached the works, Oliver stayed there and was repaired. The next morning, Donald told the other engines all about his adventure. The engines thought it was time they need another engine. Sir Top Ham Hatt said that Oliver and his brake van(Toad), would work on the railway.

The word for this episode is scary, for younger children that is. This is a popular episode for wooden railway remakes on You Tube. it seems that in the new series, there isn't a Other Railway anymore, all there is, is the Diesel Works. Over all, I didn't really enjoy this episode.

Over all I give this episode a 7/10

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Episode Review: Bulgy

Season 3, Episode 23
Air Date: March 21, 1993
Writer(s): Reverend W. Awdry

One day, Duck was at Knapford station waiting for his passengers to board, he saw a new bus, the bus told Duck that railways were no good, and one day they would be riped up. Duck went to the next station, thinking that Bulgy was silly. Oliver was there, he said he called the new bus Bulgy, Duck thought it was a good name. Duck and Oliver went back to Knapford, surprised to see Bulgy there taking all there passengers, and calling him self a railway bus. Duck and Oliver fallowed him on his "Short Cut ". They soon reached a bridge, and there was a man waving a red flag. Duck saw Bulgy under the bridge, wedged in firmly. The passengers said that Bulgy lied to them, and said he was a railway bus. Duck took the passengers home, and Bulgy was turned in to a hen house by the bridge.

This episode was a little funny. It should have been named"Short Cut to Disaster". Why didn't the bridge just fall in front of Bulgy? In a latter episode, Bulgy is restored, and used as a veggie stand. 

Over all I give this episode a 4/10