Thomas & The Magic Railroad Overview
Air Date: July 26, 2000
Writer(s): Britt Allcroft
This is my newest series of posts, the Weekend Special, which will be Reverend W. Awdry history, Thomas Movie Overviews, and many more surprises in the coming weeks. I chose red as the color scheme for these posts, so you guys know when it's a Weekend Special. Thanks to the TTTE Wikia for the pictures.

That night, Mr. Conductor was having hot chocolate at Tidmouth sheds, Diesel 10 came by and started tearing down the shed. Mr. Conductor soon put a stop to it by threatening Diesel 10 that he would pour sugar in his boiler, he soon left. That night Mr. Conductor had a nightmare about running out of gold dust. The next day, Mr. Conductor was at Tidmouth sheds itching James' nose for him, after he left, Diesel 10 came by, giving James and Thomas a big fright. Splatter and Doge were in the other shed listing, Harold came by and sprayed dust all over Splatter and Doge. Lilly was on her way to see her grand father, Burnett Stone at Muffle Mountain. Meanwhile, Mr. Conductor was calling his brother, who was on holiday at the beach, trying to get him to come to the Island of Sodor so he could get more gold dust. Lilly got on the wrong train, and arrived at Shing Time station. Stacy took her to Burnett Stone in Muffle Mountain.
At Knapford station, Percy had an idea about the magic buffers, and Diesel 10 over heard the whole thing. Latter that night, Toby over heard Splatter, Doge and Diesel 10 talking, he rang his bell loudly, Diesel 10 knocked over the shed on top of them, they were stuck for a while.
The next day, Henry had boiler ache, Thomas shunted a line of six coal cars for him, but one disappeared in to the magic buffers. Thomas suggest that Percy guard the buffers while he went to find Mr. Conductor. Meanwhile, Mr. Conductor was at the viaduct, Diesel 10 threatened to dump him in the river, Diesel 10 through him to the windmill, then Mr. Conductor found part of the secret to finding more gold dust. At Muffle Mountain, Lilly meats Patch, and he takes her back to Shining time station. Once there, Lilly sees C. Junior again, and he takes her to the Island of Sodor for a visit. Once there, Lilly meets Thomas and Mr. Conductor at the windmill.
Sir Top Ham Hatt called to see how things were, while Mr. Conductor was talking, C. Junior went flying off the windmill on to Diesel 10. That night, Lilly and Mr. Conductor were playing cards by the fire, Lilly was worried, because she told her grandpa that she would be back by sunset. After, Percy was guarding the magic buffers, Splatter and Doge were all ready there talking about them, Percy got nervous and left. Grandpa Stone and Patch were worried about Lilly. Percy finds Thomas and Mr. Conductor, and tells them that Splatter and Doge know about the magic buffers.
Mr. Conductor told Thomas to take Lilly home through the magic buffers, Thomas got worried about what would happen when he was inside. Soon, Thomas was going through the buffers, Lilly collected magic sparkles from the rails, then they arrived on the top of the mountain. Thomas fell down in to the field back in to Sodor, and left his coal truck behind on the mountain.
C. Junior was in great danger with Diesel 10 at the smelters yard, he had to use up the rest of his Gold Dust to get him and James back to the windmill. meanwhile, Lilly told patch that there was special coal on the mountain from the Island of Sodor that would make Lady start, the coal worked, and they all went through the magic buffers to the Island of Sodor. Once there, they meat Mr. Conductor, C. Junior and Thomas. Diesel 10 spots Lady, and starts chasing her, Burnett Stone boarded Lady, and darted away, Diesel 10 was close behind.
When they got to the Viaduct, it was braking, Thomas and lady got across, but Diesel 10 was to heavy, he fell in to the barge. Back at the windmill, Lilly and C. Junior found a way to make gold dust, then Mr. Conductor and C. Junior happily filled there gold dust whistles. After, C. Junior gave Lilly some gold dust like he promised, and Sir Top Ham Hatt got back, so Mr. Conductor returned to Shining Time station where he lived happily ever after, the end.
Characters Seen In Film
Thomas, Diesel 10, Splatter and Doge, Lady, Percy, Toby, James, Gordon, Henry, Bertie, Harold, Annie and Clarabel, Mr. Conductor, C. Junior, Burnett Stone, Lilly, Patch, Stacy Jones and Billy Two-Feathers.
My Own Thoughts
This was a really hard plot to write because the story jumps all over the place. It would be nice if Hit Entertainment published a DVD version with P.T. Boomer in it, there is only 2 You Tube videos that have his clip and there bad quality. I made the plot with out watching the movie again, there might be some error's in it, but other that that it's pretty accurate. According to the TTTE Wikia, George the steam roller and Cranky the crane were going to have rolls in the film. Cranky was going to have a cameo drooping a load on Splatter and Doge, that would have been funny. I don't know why the Thomas fan base doesn't like this movie, because I thought it was funny.
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