Warning! Contains Spoillers
Written By: Andrew Brenner
Release Date: September 16th, 2014(US)

Thomas was at the clay pit's when Bill and Ben played a trick on him and Timothy. After that Thomas saw some foot prints in the rock's, then he nearly got stuck in a land slide with his truck's but Bill and Ben saved him just in time. After that an intro plays with a jazz version of "Monster's Everywhere".
The next day Sir Topham Hatt gathered some of his engine's to thank Bill and Ben for saving Thomas at the land slide. Latter that day Thomas was working at the dock's were he told Percy about the foot prints. Then Thomas went back to the quarry to investigate. He meet Marrion, a steam shove who was now working to clear the land slide that Thomas was saved from.
After that Thomas got his load at the dock's and Percy asked Thomas if he found the foot prints, and he said no. Back at the dock's Percy raced in thinking that a new engine named Gator was a monster.
Percy then left with his load, now worried about monster's, and a song played called"Monster's Everywhere".
The next day Thomas was picking up another load of rock's from the quarry. Meanwhile at the dock's Percy was getting a load of truck's, but was having trouble because he was so tired from staying up late thinking about monster's.
That night at the shed's Percy told the engine's that he thought thing's like a hey stack and a shirt on the line was a monster. So Thomas took Percys' mail train that night. The next day Thomas' branch line was back open from repairs, so Thomas pulled his coaches. James was upset that he had to pull scrap instead of coaches. At the scrap yard James meet Reg the scrap yard crane.
Then at the dock's Percy saw Gator again because his ship home was late. So Gator told Percy that he was from the high mountain's. He was scared of heights, but Gator explained he was really brave and got over it. That night Percy was brave and pull the mail train again.
After Percy left Sir Topham Hatt told James that he had to pull the Flying Kipper that night. Now James was scared. While Percy was pulling the mail train James was at the dock's getting the Flying Kipper, and not enjoying the small of the fish. After he left he got scared after seeing Gator, and ran right in to a pond.

The next day Percy was happy because he was brave. But at Knapford Station the engine's were teasing James about last night. That night James played a trick on Percy, he put a scrap truck in the middle of the line to scare him. Percy raced back to Tidmouth Shed's with his mail car's waking up all the engine's. Then Thomas explained to Percy that it was something that looked like a monster.
The next morning Sir Topham Hatt came to the shed cross that there was scrap on the line and that the mail wasn't delivered. Percy then delivered the mail, and Gator went along with him while the song "Our Tale of the Brave" played. After that James was moving the scrap back when Thomas discovered that it was the trick James played on Percy.
At Knapford Station Percy delivered the last of the mail and he meet Sir Topham Hatt. Percy was now cross at Thomas and James and he wanted to do something brave. That night Percy wasn't at the shed's so Thomas went to look for him. Thomas first saw Gator who was on his way to the ship.

Percy was at the dock's getting on the ship with Gator, but Thomas was going to the clay pit's to look for Percy with James. Then Thomas remember that Percy wanted to go away, so he raced to the dock's to stop the ship. Crankey grabbed the end of the ship with his hook and stopped it just in time.
After that Thomas discovered that Percy was all ready unloaded from the ship, so he went looking for him again. Percy was at the clay pit's and James was there to. Percy went past the danger sign where the rock slide was. Then James got stuck in the land slide and Percy pulled him out.
The next morning the engine's discovered it was a dinosaur fossil. Then the engine's said sorry to Percy about Jame's trick. Latter that day the dinosaur was put up on a display and Sir Topham Hatt thanked the engine's for finding it.
Then near the end the engine's raced to the dock's to say good by to Gator, who's ship was delayed again from last night's accident. Then the ending credit's roll.
This movie was really great. The country side animation was really nice, and the music was good to. James, Bill and Ben's expression's were really funny. Not much else to say.
TDG's Rating: 10/10