Sunday, 3 August 2014

Weekend Special: Hero of the Rails Movie Overview

Air Date: September 8th, 2009
Writer(s): Sharon Miller
Director(s): Greg Tiernan
Producer(s): Nicole Stinn 

It was summer on the Island of Sodor and Thomas was taking on water and a silver engine passed all the others. Then at Knapford Station the engine's wondered who it was. They soon discovered that Spencer was staying for the Summer to help build the Duke and Duchess summer house. For the rest of the day Spencer teased the engine's about what they couldn't do. That night the engine's discussed how bad Spencer was.

The next morning Spencer told Thomas he couldn't pull heavy load's. So Thomas agreed to a race with a heavy load the next morning. Soon it was morning and Edward sent the two engine's of on there race. Thomas had a hard time getting started, but he made it over the hill and his brakes broke. Thomas raced down the hill and crashed in to cars off an old siding and stopped. Then he discovered an old engine named Hero who was the first engine on Sodor. Thomas decided to help restore Hero because his part's never arrived.

The next day Thomas hurried to finish his job's, then he took a old cylinder from the Steam Works for Hero. The next day Thomas was worried, and Percy asked him what was wrong. Then Percy learned about Hero and took Thomas' load for him while he went to see Hero. Once Thomas was finished he discovered that Percy never took the part's because his gear broke, so Thomas took Percy to the Steam Works. The next day Percy was fixed and Sir Topham Hatt came, still cross about the missing mail car's. After that Thomas took Percy to meet Hero for the first time. Then they went home. The next day Thomas and Percy went to look for Percy's mail cars. They started at the quarry. Spencer was there, so Mavis proudly took him under the rock loader, and Spencer was soon covered in dust.

When Thomas and Percy were at the water tower, Spencer came by shunted by Edward and Henry to the Steam Works. His funnel was blocked with rocks and dust from the quarry. Thomas and Percy could now visit Hiro without worrying about Spencer trying to find them. While Spencer was being fixed Thomas and his friends still delivered part's to Hiro. Once Spencer was fixed he tried to find clues to what Thomas and the engine's were up to. Spencer soon found Percy's mail car's on a siding and Thomas, James and Toby chased him back to Knapford station.

Once there Thomas went back to help Hiro, and Spencer followed soon finding Hiro's hiding place. Hiro and Thomas raced away from Spencer, but Hiro soon broke down again. Thomas then found a new hiding place for Hiro. For the next few day's Thomas and Spencer worked on the summer house, and the other engine's took turns guarding Hiro in his new hiding place.

When the summer house was finished, Thomas told Sir Topham Hatt about Hiro and he said Hiro would be fixed at the Steam Work's. A few day's latter the engine's were waiting at the Steam Work's to see Hiro, he was now restored and was the master of the railway once more. Then Hiro and Rockey went to rescue Spencer who had fallen in the bridge. Then all three engine's finished the summer house. The next day Hiro went home to his Island to see his friend's. The End.

Characters Seen in Film
Mavis Rockey 
Sir Topham Hatt
The Duke and Duchess of Boxford 

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