Directed By: David Mitton
Produced By: Phil Fehrle
Narrated By: Michael Brandon
Written By: Paul Larson
Air Date: February 17th 2004(US)
One day Percy was at the wash down with Gordon and James. Percy said his whistle was clogged, and tried to clean it out, but instead got mud all over Gordon. James collected the mayor that day and bragged to Gordon about it.Sir Topham Hatt came to the sheds and said someone needed to take the queen of Sodor to the works, James didn't know it was a old boat. James collected the queen of Sodor, but on the way he hit a pipe, but none of the sludge got on James.
James arrived save and sound at the works, then he returned to the shed's where Gordon was surprised that he stayed clean. Then Percy came back and said his whistle was still clogged, the James got dust sprayed all over him.
Well, this is the first time I've seen this episode, and it's funny. There was one mistake though when Percy sprayed Gordon with mud it should have been dust.