Sunday, 21 June 2015

Episode Review: Season 19, Episode 6 - Wild Water Rescue

Written By: Becky Overton
Narrated By: Mark Moraghan
Released: Wild Water Rescue DVD
Sir Topham Hatt was at the Sodor Search & Rescue Centre because they had done 1,000 rescues, and the Mayor was going to give them a new alarm bell for there achievement. Percy was at the docks telling Thomas that Sir Topham Hatt told him to take the Mayor to the Sodor Search & Rescue Centre.

Percy thought he was going to get his picture in the paper, and Diesel over heard Percy talking about it. When Percy was on his way to pick up the Mayor Diesel lied to Percy and told him to take the Mayor to the old quarry, so Diesel could get in the picture instead. Diesel showed up at Knapford Station, and Sir Topham Hatt said they would just have to go with Diesel instead.

Meanwhile Percy was looking for the Mayor at the old quarry, but he got stuck in a flooded track. Back at the Sodor Search & Rescue Centre, Diesel tried to get in the photo, but he wasn't allowed in anyway. Latter Diesel wondered why Percy wasn't back yet, so he went to rescue him, but his generator got wet, so they were both stuck.

The Sodor Search & Rescue Team soon found them, and the newspaper took Diesel's picture as he was being rescued, because it was the SS&R's 1,001st  rescue. The next day Percy went to the Diesel Works to thank Diesel for rescuing him, then Sir Topham Hatt came by with the news paper, and Diesel was on the front page being rescued. Diesel didn't know what to say.

My Thoughts 
This was a great episode, and when Percy got stuck in the flooded track it reminded me of Percy's Promise. It's to bad that the episode was released on a Target exclusive DVD instead of a regular one with just season 19 episodes instead of 1 season 19 episode and the rest being season 18 episodes. But Universal might release it in other stores latter on.

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